
Chartboost Cordova plugin for the Heyzap Cordova Plugin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import heyzapCordovaChartboost from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/heyzap-cordova-chartboost';


Chartboost Cordova Plugin for Heyzap

This is a custom Apache Cordova plugin for Chartboost to be used with the Heyzap Cordova Plugin. The plugin simply adds the Chartboost sdk to both the iOS and Android platform projects in your Cordova project, along with the appropriate dependencies and permissions.

SDK Verisons

  • iOS: 7.0.3
  • Android: 6.6.3


cordova plugin add https://github.com/Heyzap/heyzap-cordova-chartboost.git

Supported Platforms

  • iOS (cordova-ios engine 3.8.0 and later)
  • Android (cordova-android engine 4.0.0 and later)


Please visit our documentation page for guides on how to integrate heyzap with your Cordova app.