
a helpful html compiler

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hhc from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hhc';



a helpful html compiler

install - npm i hhc -g usage - hhc input.html output.html

why hhc?

  • write your familiar html just with additional features
  • import html components
<import path="./file" foo="bar" />
  • use vars passed to the components
<p>hello $foo</p>
  • no need to make up class names.
<style>         |  <style>
p {             | p.hhc1 {
}               | }
</style>        | </style>
<p> hello </p>  | <p class="hhc1"> hello </p>
  • multi line comments we enjoy!
/* comment */