
Performance testing framework with history

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import highScore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/high-score';


🥇 HighScore

Dependencies Node.js CI License

Performance testing framework with history

  • Automatically find benchmarks
  • Get "stable" results
  • Log benchmark history
  • Set a baseline to compare against


npm install --save-dev high-score

Quick Start

Make a benchmark like this:

const { benchmark } = require('high-score');

benchmark('my-fast-code', () => (
    // ... code to measure goes here

Run it from your terminal this:


Command Line Options

  -V, --version                    output the version number
  -c, --config <file>              Specify the benchmark config file (default: bench.config.js)
  --log-dir <dir>                  Specify the log directory (default: bench-log)
  -t, --include <pattern>          Runs only benchmarks matching a given regex
  --min-sample-duration <seconds>  Ensure that each sample takes at least this many seconds    
  --no-log                         Don't save the results to the log
  --set-baseline                   Mark these results as the "baseline" for future runs        
  -q, --quiet                      Prints only the results of the benchmarks (no progress)     
  -h, --help                       display help for command

Config File

You can set global benchmark options in a bench.config.js file at the root of your project. All settings are optional:

module.exports = {
    benchmarkPaths: ..., // glob for files that contain benchmarks (default: '**/*.bench.js')
    excludePaths: ...,   // glob for files to ignore (default: '**/node_modules/**')

    rootDir: ...,        // root directory to search for benchmarks (default: folder containing bench.config.js)
    logDir: ...,         // where to store logs of previous benchmark results (default: 'bench-log')

    moduleName: ...,     // name of module being tested (default: 'name' from package.json)
    moduleVersion: ...,  // version of module being tested (default: 'version' from package.json)

    timeout: ...,        // per-benchmark timeout in seconds (default: none)


Declare a benchmark using the benchmark() function:

    benchmark(<name>, <benchmark-function> [, <options>]);

The benchmark function is where you put the code you want to measure. It should take no arguments and return no result. A single "sample" of the benchmark may call the benchmark function many times.

The options object can have the following properties (all optional):

    minSampleDuration: ...,     // minimum time per sample, in seconds (default: 1)
    minSampleCount: ...;        // minimum number of samples to take (default: 8)
    maxSampleCount: ...;        // maximum number of samples to take or false for no limit (default: 32)
    timeout: ...;               // overall timeout in seconds, or false for no limit (default: false)

    confirmationHeuristic: ...; // settings for the confirmation heuristic, or false to disable it (see below)
    cooldownHeuristic: ...;     // settings for the cooldown heuristic, or false to disable it (see below)
    baselineHeuristic: ...;     // settings for the baseline heuristic, or false to disable it (see below)


To get stable benchmark results, HighScore uses a few heuristics to determine when to stop taking samples:


This heuristic causes HighScore to look for "confirmation" of a benchmark result, by taking samples until it has at least sampleCount samples within a certain variance.

This heuristic is on by default, and the default settings are:

    confirmationHeuristic: {
        sampleCount: 2,
        variance: 0.008,

Which means it will keep running until it gets 2 additional samples within 1% of the best sample so far.


This heuristic tells HighScore to keep going for sampleCount more samples after the last best sample. This keeps it from ending the benchmark too soon if the samples are just starting to improve.

This heuristic is on by default, and the default settings are:

    cooldownHeuristic: {
        sampleCount: 3,

Which means it will not stop the benchmark until it has collected 3 samples after the last best sample.


If you have saved a baseline result for a benchmark, then this heuristic will tell HighScore to collect extra samples (up to sampleCount) if necessary to find one that is within a certain variance of the baseline result. This helps to avoid false reports that a benchmark has gotten slower.

This heuristic is on by default, and the default settings are:

    baselineHeuristic: {
        sampleCount: 32,
        variance: 0.01,

Which means it will collect up to 32 samples until it gets one within 1% of the baseline result.