
OGIT ontology to sane application mappings

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hiroGraphOrm from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hiro-graph-orm';


hiro-graph-orm: a more-than-just-string type aware wrapper for HIRO Graph

Define a schema, create a connection to HIRO Graph, and have a natural way to handle data.


$ npm install hiro-graph-orm

If you want some basic Schema mappings (otherwise you must define your own) use:

$ npm install hiro-graph-orm hiro-graph-orm-mappings

Example usage:

import HiroGraphOrm from "hiro-graph-orm";
import { Token } from "hiro-graph-client";
import mappings from "hiro-graph-orm-mappings";

const token = new Token({ getToken: () => "some access token" });

const orm = new HiroGraphOrm({ endpoint: "https://graphit/", token }, mappings);

//fetch the user of this access token.
orm.me().then(me => {
     // Log the property `username`
.catch(err => {
    console.log("something bad happened", err.stack);


Who am i?


me() will fetch the data for the owner of the access token (is most cases will return a ogit/_type: Person)

Id lookups findById(<String|Array> Id)

// Find single id...

// Find Array of ids...
orm.findById([id1, id2, ...ids])

// Using the schema types have slightly different behaviour
orm.Person.findById(id) // "id" *must* belong to a Person otherwise it will throw 404
orm.Person.findById([id1, id2, ...ids]) // all ids must belong to Person nodes otherwise it will throw 404

Basic Querying (find() and findOne())

orm.{Type}.find(<Object> query, <Object> options)/orm.{Type}.findOne(<Object> query, <Object> options)

find() is the primary method for querying the graph (via lucene). It returns a Promise that resolves to an array of GraphVertex ( in the case of findOne it will return a single item)

query is an object with key values based on the schema definition (there are also some special keywords that before more advanced queries).


// Find Person nodes with lastName "Smith"
    lastName: "Smith"
.then(vertices => /* Do something with the vertices */)
.catch(err => /* Handle error */)

options is an optional object allowing things like pagination and more

// default options
    offset: 0, // Offset of vertices
    limit: 50, // Limit of vertices
    plain: false, // When set to `true` the returned result is plain javascript objects instead of GraphVertices
    raw: false // When set to `true` the returned result is the raw HIRO graph JSON (no properties are transformed or omitted)

Example default vs plain: true vs raw: true:

// default
orm.Person.find({ firstName: "Wes" })
//-> Resolves to:
[ GraphVertex {
        constructor : function GraphVertex(data, context, guardSymbol) {},
        _before: Object,
        _clean: true,
        _counts: Object,
        _ctx: Context,
        _data: Object,
        _db: Object,
        _free: Object,
        _id: "wwinchester@arago-demo.com",
        _ids :Object,
        _isDeleted :false,
        _vertices: Object,
        get: function get(prop) {},
        set: function set(prop, val) {},
        canWrite : function canWrite() {},
        connect: function connect(relation, vertexOrId) {},
        delete: function _delete() {},
        disconnect: function disconnect(relation, vertexOrId) {},
        fetchCount: function fetchCount(relations) {},
        fetchIds: function fetchIds(relations) {},
        fetchVertices: function fetchVertices(relations) {},
        getVertices: function getVertices(relation) {},
        hasVertices: function hasVertices(relation) {},
        save: function save() {}

// { plain: true }
orm.Person.find({ firstName: "Wes" }, { plain: true })
//-> Resolves to:
        "_created-on": 1478269242915,
        "profileSet": true,
        "status": "active",
        "_modified-on": 1496667858667,
        "_id": "wwinchester@arago-demo.com",
        "email": "wwinchester@arago-demo.com",
        "lastName": "Winchester",
        "firstName": "Wes",
        "_modified-by": "graphit.co",
        "username": "wwinchester",
        "_type": "Person",
        "_fetched": 1498122689614

// { raw: true }
orm.Person.find({ firstName: "Wes" }, { raw: true })
//-> Resolves to:
        "ogit/_created-on": 1478269242915,
        "/profileSet": "true",
        "ogit/_custom-id": "wwinchester@arago-demo.com",
        "ogit/_reader": "arago-demo.com",
        "ogit/status": "active",
        "ogit/_modified-on": 1496667858667,
        "ogit/_id": "wwinchester@arago-demo.com",
        "ogit/_creator": "graphit.co",
        "ogit/_graphtype": "vertex",
        "ogit/email": "wwinchester@arago-demo.com",
        "ogit/_owner": "wwinchester@arago-demo.com",
        "/__raidSortKey": "Wes Winchester",
        "ogit/_v": 6,
        "/pictureUploaded": "true",
        "ogit/_modified-by-app": "UserReg_and_OrgMgmt",
        "ogit/_is-deleted": false,
        "/__raidDefaultOrg": "arago-demo.com",
        "ogit/_creator-app": "UserReg_and_OrgMgmt",
        "ogit/lastName": "Winchester",
        "ogit/firstName": "Wes",
        "ogit/_modified-by": "graphit.co",
        "ogit/alternativeName": "wwinchester",
        "ogit/_version": "",
        "ogit/_type": "ogit/Person"

orm.{Type}.findCount(<Object> query, <Object> options)

findCount() Works the same as the find/findOne expect will return a number instead of an array of results.

orm.Person.findCount({ firstName: "Wes" })
.then(res =>
    <- 1


orm.{Type}.search(<String> searchTerm, <Object> filter, <Object> options)

search() Works in a different way to find, by default it will preform an ngram search on the ogit/_content field. filter is an object very similar to the query in find/findOne in order to have additional filtering of the search.

// Simple search example
orm.Profile.search("example.com") // Search for any people that might match the domain

// Filtered search example
orm.Profile.search("example.com", {
    firstName: "Jane"
}) // Search for any people that might match the domain and have the firstName "Jane"

Advanced find/findOne Queries:

To assist with the more complex lucene syntax we introduce some (mongodb inspired) special keys:

  • $or: switch to "one or more of these conditions".
  • $and: switch to "all of these conditions" (the default, but allows to switch back once in $or or $not) (aliased as $must as well).
  • $not: switch to "must not match these conditions".
  • $range: create a condition where matches must be in the given range.
  • $missing: create a condition which matches the presence of a field.
  • $search: helper for more complex matching

A couple of these will need more explanation. Otherwise the test code is a good place to look.

Example $or query:

// find any Person with the firstName "Jane" or "Joe"
    $or: {
        firstName: ["Jane", "Joe"]

Example $range query

// find everything modified in the last day
    $range: {
        "modified_on": [Date.now() - (86400 * 1000), Date.now()]

Gremlin Queries


gremlin() is a chainable gremlin query generator that abstracts the Gremlin syntax away using the schema it is based on hiro-graph-gremlin with the .execute(rootId) method required in order to trigger the request.

Example orm.gremlin()

    .has("ogit/_type", "Organization")
// -> Resolves to [GraphVertex]

.relation() Sugar

.relation(<String> Type, <Array> relations) generates the appropriate outE(edgeName).inV().has("ogit/_type", Type) or inE(edgeName).outV().has("ogit/_type", Type) equivalent based on the schema

// using `outE()/inV` etc
    .has("ogit/_type", "Organization")
// -> Resolves to [GraphVertex]

// using `.relation()`
    .relation("Person", ["orgs"])
// -> Resolves to [GraphVertex]

orm.fetchVertices(), orm.fetchIds(), orm.fetchCount()

These methods are syntactic sugar for invoking the GraphVertex "relations" methods in the given results.


// Persons then load their Orgs

// ...is equivalent to
    .then(vertices => Promise.all(
        vertices.map(v => v.fetchVertices(["orgs"])

// `fetchVertices` can be replaced with `fetchIds` and `fetchCount` in the above example


An instance of the GraphVertex class is the default return value for an Entity return from the Graph that has been defined in the Schema mappings. The purpose of this wrapper is to allow easy maniuplation of the object (e.g. updates/edge connections/deletions etc).

Accessing Props (.get() and .set())

Property access is restricted to .get(propName). To update a property use .set(propName, newValue).

Example get() and set()

orm.me().then(myVertex => {
    myVertex.get("username"); // returns current value...
    myVertex.set("username", "Foo");
    const userName = myVertex.get("username"); // returns current "Foo"

// `.set()` also accepts an object of changes
orm.me().then(myVertex => {

        "firstName": "Foo",
        "lastName": "Bar"

    const firstName = myVertex.get("firstName"); // returns current "Foo"
    const lastName = myVertex.get("lastName"); // returns current "Bar"

Using .set() only does not persist the changes to the graph. You have to use .save()

Persisting changes to the Graph (.save())

In order to persist the changes to the graph we need to call the .save() method. The returns a promise which resolves to the updated GraphVertex. Note: Your token must have the correct graph permissions to allow this

Example .save()

orm.me().then(myVertex => {
    return myVertex.set({
        "firstName": "Foo",
        "lastName": "Bar"
}).then(updatedMyVertex => {

Relations Methods (fetchVertices(<Array> relations), fetchIds(<Array> relations),fetchCount(<Array> relations))

The fetch(Vertices|Ids|Count) methods load the requested relations data defined in the schema for a given entity. An attempt to fetch a relation not defined in the schema will throw an error.


    .then(myVertex =>
        // Trigger relation request for Orgs
    .then(myVertexWithOrgs => {
        // Get the Orgs from the updated GraphVertex
        const orgs = myVertexWithOrgs.getRelations("orgs");

Connecting and Disconnect Edges (.connect() and .disconnect())

We can connect/disconnect a GraphVertex to/from any of its defined relations`

// Connecting a person to an org
]).then(([personVertex, orgVertex]) => {
    return personVertex.connect("orgs", orgVertex)

// disconnecting a person from an org (example using the org vertex instead)
]).then(([personVertex, orgVertex]) => {
    return orgVertex.disconnect("members", personVertex)

Deleting vertices

Deleting a GraphVertex is simply vertex.delete() Note: Your token must have the correct graph permissions to allow this

// Deleting a node
orm.findById(id).then(v => v.delete())


Converting a GraphVertex to a plain object is useful for accessing the data in a view layer of your application. The hiro-graph-redux library will do this by default using the createVerticesSelector and createTask::selector() helpers.

const personObj = personVertex.plain(); // Plain object. like `{ _id: "...", _type: "Person", ...}`

// to JSON
const pesonJson = JSON.stringify(personVertex) // .plain() is called internally to strip circular dependencies


This package contains a library to verify an your local schema mappings match up against a given OGIT schema. OGIT defines an ontology that restricts what attributes and connections a vertex can have, you may create a schema mapping that conflicts with this and this tool helps to identify any problems.

@TODO: The tool only works with YAML ontologies, not the current TTL/RDF format. Also providing a binary would be nice ;).

const { default: validate } = require("hiro-graph-orm/lib/schema/validate");

const schema = require("/path/to/your/schema/mappings/array/module");

const ontologyPath = "/path/to/your/OGIT/yaml/directory/or/file";

const result = validate(schema, ontologyPath);

console.log(result); // hopefully { errors: 0, detail: {} }

If there are errors, the detail object will contain much more information keyed by ogit/_type, to help you make the required changes to either the schema or the ontology.