
A utility to parse homeoffice-countries into a usable format for hof select elements

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hofUtilCountries from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hof-util-countries';



A utility to parse homeoffice-countries into a usable format for hof select elements

By default hof select elements expect a list of options as an objet with value and label properties. If passed an array of strings as options it will attempt to translate the strings with some field-specific keys attached.


In field configuration:

  country: {
    mixin: 'select',
    validate: 'required',
    options: require('hof-util-countries')()


If needed, the following options can be passed into the countries function:

  • filter - Function - applies a filter to the list of country names before mapping them
  • parse - Function - applies a transform to the country name before setting the label


If you wish to translate the countries into outher languages, you may want the labels to be in the form of translation keys. In this case you can use a parse option to convert the country names into a translation key:

const countries = require('hof-util-countries');
const options = countries({
  parse: country => `countries.${country.toLowerCase().split(' ').join('-')}`

You can then define a single translation for country names to be used for all country list instances.