
This plug-in is for displaying the carbon dioxide concentration measurement result of MH-Z19 on HomeKit through homebridge.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import homebridgeCo2SensorV2 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/homebridge-co2-sensor-v2';



This plug-in is for displaying the carbon dioxide concentration measurement result of MH-Z19 on HomeKit through homebridge.

Wiring diagram

Preparation settings

① Enable serial port

② Give read permission to the homebridge user on the serial port


Configuration example of config.json

    "accessories": [
            "accessory": "CO2Sensor",
            "name": "CO2 Sensor",
            "uart_path": "/dev/ttyXXX",
            "schedule": "*/5 * * * *",
            "warning_level": 1500
  • accessory → Fixed value [required field]
  • name → To your liking [required field]
  • uart → Specify the UART to which MH-Z19 is connected in ttyXXX format.
  • schedule → Specify the acquisition interval of CO2 concentration.
  • warning_level → A warning will be displayed when CO2 exceeds this level.