
Hooking system using priority numbers.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hookByPriority from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hook-by-priority';



Hooking system using priority numbers.


  • Asynchronous hooks.
  • Parameters passed along the cycle of hooks.
  • Less than 50 lines of code.
  • For node.js or browser.
  • No dependencies at all.


$ npm install -s hook-by-priority


This example appends a character for each hook asynchronously.

It also uses priority option to order the hooks added to the created hooks-manager.

const Hooks = require("hook-by-priority");
const hooks = Hooks.create();

const add = function(char, data) {
    return new Promise(function(ok, fail) {
        data.msg += char;
        setTimeout(ok, 100);

hooks.add("on:init", async params => await add("e", params), 90);
hooks.add("on:init", async params => await add("!", params), 50);
hooks.add("on:init", async params => await add("l", params), 70);
hooks.add("on:init", async params => await add("o", params), 60);
hooks.add("on:init", async params => await add("l", params), 80);
hooks.add("on:init", async params => await add("H", params), 100);
hooks.use("on:init", { msg: "" }).then(output => console.log(output.msg));

This script is also under test/readme.test.js file of the project.


This project is released under WTFPL (or What The Fuck Public License), which means do what you want.


Please, address your issues here.