
A sinkhole for HTTP requests

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import httpsink from '';



A trivial HTTP Sinkhole. Always returns a 200 OK and JSON response body with request details.



Start a sinkhole on port 8080 using npx:

# Listen on the default localhost:8080
npx httpsink

Alternatively install the module globally, then start a sinkhole:

npm install -g httpsink

# Listen on port 3000 on a public interface
httpsink --port 3000 --host ''

Docker CLI

Here's a sample command that exposes the sinkhole on port 8080.

docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh node:14-alpine -c 'npx httpsink --host "" --port 8080'


const sinkhole = require('httpsink')

async function main () {
  // Create a sinkhole that listens on port 8080
  const server = await sinkhole({
    port: 8080

  // ...sometime later call server.close() when you're done


Response Format

Each request receives the same response format:

  // IP the server determines to be the origin of your request
  "ip": "",

  // Unique ID generated for this request
  "uuid": "pDo-u-eOpxiVH_15aSV05",

  // When the server started processing the request
  "recv": "2021-02-04T19:25:03.740Z",

  // When the server sent the response
  "resp": "2021-02-04T19:25:03.744Z",

  // Bytes read for a request that sends a body
  "bodyBytesSize": 0

  // Bytes read for the entire HTTP transmission
  "totalBytesSize": 124

  // Method and URL that was requested