hud-ai API Client

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hudAi from '';

README Javascript Client

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A JavaScript interface to the API. To get started install via npm:

npm install --save hud-ai

Getting Started

First, you'll need to register a client application. This can currently only be done by reaching out to the engineering team.

Single Page Apps

const HudAi = require('hud-ai');

const client = HudAi.create({
  clientId: 'CLIENT_ID',
  redirectUri: ''

// Send the user to the authorization URL, where they can choose to grant your
// app permissions to access the service on their behalf (if permission has
// already been given, they'll automatically be redirected)
window.location = client.getAuthorizeUri('token');

// token will be returned as the query param `authToken` to your redirect URL
const querystring = require('query-string');
const parsed = querystring.parse(location.hash);

NOTE: The process of token retrieval will need to be performed again when the token becomes invalid (they're currently valid for 30 days).

Server Applications

Because servers can be trusted to keep a secret, setup is much more straightforward.

Client Authentication:

const HudAi = require('hud-ai');

const client = HudAi.create({
  clientId: 'CLIENT_ID',
  clientSecret: 'CLIENT_SECRET'

Acting on behalf of a user:

const redirectUrl = client.getAuthorizeUri('code');

// Send the user to the authorization URL, where they can choose to grant your
// app permissions to access the service on their behalf (if permission has
// already been given, they'll automatically be redirected)

// the code to exchange will be returned as the query param `code` to your
// redirect URL
const querystring = require('query-string');
const parsed = querystring.parse(;


Parameter Usage Example
clientId* Registered Client ID '46ef9d9b-89a9-4fd2-84cf-af6de31f2618'
clientSecret Registered Client Secret '59170c3e-e2c9-4244-92d8-c3595d4af325'
baseApiUrl Specify an alternate server to request resources from ''
baseAuthUrl Specify an alternate server to request auth tokens from ''
redirectUri Path to redirect auth requests to (required for #get_authorize_uri) ''
request axios is used under the hood, pass a config through here

Basic Usage

  .then(article => console.log(article))
  .catch(err => console.log('Got an error!', err));



  • * and bolded Type indicates required param
  • All list resources have a max of 50 elements per request (e.g. limits higher than that will have no effect)
Entity Method Base
Article client.articles
ArticleHighlights client.articleHighlights
ArticleKeyTerm client.articleKeyTerms
ArticleTag client.articleTags
Company client.companies
CompanyEvent client.companyEvents
CompanyIndustry client.companyIndustries
CompanyKeyTerm client.companyKeyTerms
CompanyProfile client.companyProfile
KeyTerm client.keyTerms
Person client.people
PersonKeyTerm client.personKeyTerms
Quote client.quotes
Source client.sources
TextCorpus client.textCorpora
Tweet client.tweets
User client.users
UserCompany client.userCompanies
UserCompanyGroup client.userCompanyGroups
UserContact client.userContacts
UserDigestSubscription client.userDigestSubscriptions
UserKeyTerm client.userKeyTerms
UserSource client.userSources
UserTemplate client.userTemplates
Video client.videos