
A modified Hyper theme from hyper-snazzy.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hyper9009 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hyper-9009';



A modified Hyper theme based on hyper-snazzy


$ hyper install hyper-9009


The idea behind the theme was inspired from both GMK 9009 and hyper-snazzy. It was originally an experiment of showing printing colors on terminal, and it turns out to be okay. To make your terminal aligned with the screenshot, pure-9009 is recommended (also a modified version of pure). Note that most of work was done by the original author Sindre Sorhus and relative team members.

For all colors used in the theme, please check the table below.

Core Colors in GMK 9009 & Others Selected from GMK Colors

Color GMK Code Representation RGB
Foreground CR #171718 #171718
Unused U9 #aca693 #aca693
Unused L9 #d8d2c3 #d8d2c3
Background WS1 #f7f2ea #f7f2ea
Green 3B #768e72 #768e72
Red 3A #c87e74 #c87e74
Yellow N6 #e5a100 #e5a100
Blue V4 #00589f #00589f
Magenta MG1 #cb3d6e #cb3d6e
Cyan N5 #0084c2 #0084c2



Copyright for portions of project hyper-9009 are held by [Sindre Sorhus, 2017] as part of project hyper-snazzy. All other copyright for the rest of the project are held by [Richo Han, 2018].