
A hyperdrive import queue that emits progress events.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hyperdriveImportQueue from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hyperdrive-import-queue';



Takes an array of files, chunks and writes them to a hyperdrive archive. onFileWriteBegin callback returns each file object with a progress listener that emits file write progress info as each file is written. Progress info provided via progress-stream.

TODO: rabin-ify the chunks for non-browser hyperdrive imports.



  • @files: array of files to import/write to archive
  • @archive: hyperdrive archive
  • @options: object -- see below
hyperdriveImportQueue(files, archive, {
  cwd: '',               // defaults to ''
  progressInterval: 100, // defaults to 100ms
  chunkSize: 4*1024,     // defaults to 4*1024
  onQueueNewFile: function (err, file) {
    // add file to your queue UI
  onFileWriteBegin: function (err, file) {
    // you may now start incrementing your progress bar UI at this point
    // by attaching your progress listener callback to the `progress` event:
    file.progressListener.on('progress', function (progress) {
     // increment your progress bars here using the `progress` argument data
  onFileWriteComplete: function (err, file) {
    // a single file has now been written to the hyperdrive archive
    // the next file in the queue will start writing and trigger a new
    // `onFileWriteBegin` callback to fire
  onCompleteAll: function (err, files) {
    // do whatever you like