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<script type="module">
  import i18nextCalingaBackend from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/i18next-calinga-backend';



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An i18next backend to connect to the Calinga service.

Getting Started


npm install i18next-calinga-backend


import i18n from 'i18next';
import { CalingaBackend, CalingaBackendOptions } from 'i18next-calinga-backend';


const backendOptions: CalingaBackendOptions = {
    organization: '<YOUR_ORGANIZATION_NAME_HERE>',
    team: '<YOUR_TEAM_NAME_HERE>',
    project: '<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME_HERE>',
    resources: {
        en: {
            default: en
        de: {
            default: de

    backend: backendOptions,

For use in React or React Native also add the following lines to the init options:

react: {
    bindI18n: 'loaded';

Available languages can be accessed at CalingaBackend.languages or by addding a handler for CalingaBackend.onLanguageChanged. If devMode is set to true in CalingaBackendOptions this list also contains a language that shows keys (cimode).

Set the includeDrafts option to true if your project has drafts enabled and you want so to see the pending version of your translations.

For a full integration sample for react native including a cache have a look here.