
Simple paid HTTP request library for Interledger. Based on node-fetch.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ilpFetch from '';


ILP Fetch

Simple paid HTTP request library for Interledger. Based on node-fetch.


The ILP Fetch API supports all the options that are present in the node-fetch API.

Two additional fields are added:

  • plugin: The ILP plugin used to make payments.
  • maxPrice: The maximum, in the plugin's base units, which ILP fetch will send.


The below example will upload a file containing hello world to Unhash (content-addressed storage on top of ILP).

const plugin = require('ilp-plugin')()
const fetch = require('.')

fetch('', {
  maxPrice: 100,
  method: 'POST',
  body: 'hello world'
  .then(r => r.json())
  .then(json => {
    console.log('json response:', json)
  .catch(e => {


First run Moneyd on your machine. Then:

git clone
cd ilp-fetch
npm install
DEBUG=* node test.js

In the Browser

Because ILP fetch is based around Fetch, it is possible for it to run in the browser. Because of the restricted use of headers and cross-origin requests (and because it is not possible to access moneyd from within a webpage), it may not be useful in an ordinary webpage.

However, in the evironment of an extension it can be useful to make payment-enabled requests. Additionally, an extension should have no problems making cross-origin requests or accessing moneyd.

Just add the following block to your webpack config:

  externals: {
    'node-fetch': 'fetch'