
SPSP server that supports invoices

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ilpSpspInvoiceServer from '';


ILP SPSP Invoice Server

SPSP server that supports invoices



# creates an invoice for 10 XRP; the sender will use a chunked payment
http POST amount=10000000 reason="you bought something" \
  Authorization:"Bearer test"
# {
#  "receiver": "$"
# }

ilp-spsp query -r "$"
# {
#   "destinationAccount": "g.scylla.client.sharafian-lm.local.abhnViXADp0lCl7urVp18n5OLmOke57RN0ABbW2jliA.f036d74f-da5e-4b38-aca1-bd3cdd12461c.9B47_eWU76I.7tNCY0ytiCulOG4eIQSUiTxk",
#   "sharedSecret": "CFiJIvw1rwcqYnxtWuKZ+Fq2UoR1KwMh4S4sHKVaj1U=",
#   "balance": {
#     "current": "0",
#     "maximum": "10000000"
#   },
#   "receiverInfo": {
#     "reason": "you bought something"
#   }
# } 

ilp-spsp invoice -r "$"
# paying invoice at "$"...
# WARNING: PSK2 Chunked Payments are experimental. Money can be lost if an error occurs mid-payment or if the exchange rate changes dramatically! This should not be used for payments that are significantly larger than the path's Maximum Payment Size.
# paid!

ilp-spsp query -r "$"
# {
#   "destinationAccount": "g.scylla.client.sharafian-lm.local.abhnViXADp0lCl7urVp18n5OLmOke57RN0ABbW2jliA.f036d74f-da5e-4b38-aca1-bd3cdd12461c.9B47_eWU76I.7tNCY0ytiCulOG4eIQSUiTxk",
#   "sharedSecret": "CFiJIvw1rwcqYnxtWuKZ+Fq2UoR1KwMh4S4sHKVaj1U=",
#   "balance": {
#     "current": "10000000",
#     "maximum": "10000000"
#   },
#   "receiverInfo": {
#     "reason": "you bought something"
#   }
# } 

Environment Variables

Name Default Description
SPSP_PORT 6000 port to listen on locally.
SPSP_LOCALTUNNEL If this variable is defined, SPSP_PORT will be proxied by localtunnel under SPSP_LOCALTUNNEL_SUBDOMAIN.
SPSP_LOCALTUNNEL_SUBDOMAIN Subdomain to forward SPSP_PORT to. Must be defined if you set SPSP_LOCALTUNNEL
SPSP_DB_PATH Path for leveldb database. Uses in-memory database if unspecified.
SPSP_AUTH_TOKEN test Bearer token for creating invoices and receiving webhooks.
SPSP_HOST localhost or localtunnel Host to include in payment pointers


Create an Invoice


Create an invoice.


  • amount - Invoice amount in base ledger units.
  • reason - Reason for invoice. Returned in payment pointer response.
  • webhook - (Optional) Webhook to POST to after the invoice is fully paid. See Webhooks


  • receiver - Payment pointer of the SPSP receiver created for this invoice.

Query an Invoice

GET /:invoice_id

SPSP receiver endpoint for the invoice with :invoice_id. The payment pointer returned by Create an Invoice resolves to this endpoint.


When you Create an Invoice and specify a webhook, it will call the specified webhook when the invoice is paid. The request is a POST with

Authorization: Bearer <SPSP_AUTH_TOKEN>

  "balance": 1000000,
  "amount": 1000000,
  "pointer": "$localhost:6000/1b6cf71a-f465-43f2-bd69-92f66defbaf7",