
An easy uniform wrapper over the popular imageboards' API.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import imageboard from '';



An easy uniform wrapper over the popular imageboards' API.

More on each engine's API

Originally created as part of the captchan imageboard GUI.

Supported engines:


  • (optional) Parse comments HTML into structured JSON documents.
  • (optional) Automatically generate shortened "previews" for long comments.
  • (optional) Automatically insert quoted posts' text when none provided.
  • (optional) Automatically generate thread title when it's missing.

To do:

  • Add methods for creating threads and posting comments.


npm install imageboard --save

This library uses async/await syntax so including regenerator-runtime/runtime is required when using it. In Node.js that usually means including @babel/runtime. In a web browser that usually means including @babel/polyfill (though starting from Babel 7.4.0 @babel/polyfill has been deprecated in favor of manually including core-js/stable and regenerator-runtime/runtime).


This example will be using fetch() for making HTTP requests (though any other library could be used). Node.js doesn't have fetch() yet so first install a "polyfill" for it, and also install regenerator-runtime (because imageboard package requires it).

npm install node-fetch regenerator-runtime/runtime --save

Then, create an imageboard instance. This example will use as a data source.

var fetch = require('node-fetch')
var imageboard = require('imageboard')

var fourChan = imageboard('4chan', {
  // Sends an HTTP request.
  // Any HTTP request library can be used here.
  // Must return a `Promise` resolving to response text.
  request: (method, url, { body, headers }) => {
    return fetch(url, { method, headers, body }).then((response) => {
      if (response.ok) {
        return response.text()
      var error = new Error(response.statusText)
      // Set HTTP Response status code on the error.
      error.status = response.status
      throw error

Now, print the first ten of boards:

// Prints the first 10 boards.
fourChan.getBoards().then((boards) => {
  const boardsList = boards.slice(0, 10).map(({
  }) => {
    return `* [${category}] /${id}/ — ${title} — ${description}`

The output:

* [Creative] /3/ — 3DCG — "/3/ - 3DCG" is 4chan's board for 3D modeling and imagery.
* [Japanese Culture] /a/ — Anime & Manga — "/a/ - Anime & Manga" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of Japanese animation and manga.
* [Other] /adv/ — Advice — "/adv/ - Advice" is 4chan's board for giving and receiving advice.
... the other boards ...

Now, print the first five threads on /a/ board:

var getCommentText = require('imageboard').getCommentText

// Prints the first five threads on `/a/` board.
  boardId: 'a'
}).then((threads) => {
  const threadsList = threads.slice(0, 5).map(({
  }) => {
    return [
      getCommentText(comments[0]) || '(empty)',
      `${commentsCount} comments, ${attachmentsCount} attachments`

The output:


Wed Sep 25 2019 20:48:54 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)

Facebook announces Horizon, a VR massive-multiplayer world


12 comments, 5 attachments


... the other threads ...

Now, print the first five comments of the thread:

var getCommentText = require('imageboard').getCommentText

// Prints the first five comments of thread #193605320 on `/a/` board.
  boardId: 'a',
  threadId: 193605320
}).then((thread) => {
  const commentsList = thread.comments.slice(0, 5).map((comment) => {
    const {
    } = comment
    const parts = []
    if (title) {
    parts.push(getCommentText(comment) || '(empty)')
    if (attachments) {
      parts.push(`${attachments.length} attachments`)
    if (title) {
      parts.push(`${replies.length} replies`)
    return parts.join('\n\n')

The output:


Wed Sep 25 2019 20:48:54 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)

Facebook announces Horizon, a VR massive-multiplayer world


1 attachments

3 replies



Wed Sep 25 2019 21:02:00 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)

Fuck you OP I saw horizon and now I am mad that it’s bait


... the other comments ...

imageboard API

To use the package first construct an imageboard instance using the default exported function.

import imageboard from 'imageboard'

imageboard(idOrConfig, options)

The default exported function, creates a new imageboard instance.

If an imageboard id is supported by the library out-of-the-box (see the ./chan directory) then such imageboard id can be passed as a string. Otherwise, imageboard config object should be supplied.

Imageboard ids supported out-of-the-box:

  • "2ch"
  • "4chan"
  • "8ch" (
  • "kohlchan"
  • "lainchan"
  • "arisuchan"
  • "endchan"

See Imageboard config for the available imageboard config properties.

Available options:

  • request(method: string, url: string, parameters: object?): Promise — (required) Sends HTTP requests to imageboard API. Must return a Promise resolving to response text.
request("GET", "") === "[
  { "uri": "b", "title": "Random" },
Reading archived threads on imageboard requires modifying the request() return type a bit.

The request() function can also return a Promise resolving to an object of shape { response, url } where response is the response text and url is the "final" URL (after any redirects): this url is used internally when requesting archived threads from imageboard in order to get their archivedAt timestamp that can only be obtained from the URL the engine redirects to.

  • commentUrl: string? — (optional) A template for the url of all type: "post-link"s (links to other comments) in parsed comments' content. Is "/{boardId}/{threadId}#{commentId}" by default.

  • messages: Messages? — (optional) "Messages" ("strings", "labels") used when parsing comments content. See Messages.

  • commentLengthLimit: number — (optional) A number telling the maximum comment length (in "points" which can be thought of as "characters and character equivalents for non-text content") upon exceeding which a preview is generated for a comment (as comment.contentPreview).

  • useRelativeUrls: boolean — (optional) Determines whether to use relative or absolute URLs for attachments. Relative URLs are for the cases when an imageboard is temporarily hosted on an alternative domain and so all attachments are too meaning that the default imageboard domain name shouldn't be present in attachment URLs. Is false by default.

  • parseContent: boolean — (optional) Can be set to false to skip parsing comment HTML into Content. The rationale is that when there're 500-some comments in a thread parsing all of them up-front can take up to a second on a modern desktop CPU which results in subpar user experience. By deferring parsing comments' HTML an application could first only parse the first N comments' HTML and only as the user starts scrolling would it proceed to parsing the next comments. Or maybe a developer wants to use their own HTML parser or even render comments' HTML as is. If parseContent is set to false then each non-empty comment will have their content being the original unmodified HTML string. In such cases thread.title won't be autogenerated when it's missing.

  • addParseContent: boolean — (optional) Pass true to add a .parseContent() method to each comment. This could be used in scenarios when parseContent: false option is passed, for example, to only parse comments as they become visible on screen as the user scrolls rather than parsing all the comments in a thread up-front. When passing addParseContent: true option, also pass expandReplies: true option, otherwise .parseContent() won't go up the chain of quoted comments.

  • expandReplies: boolean — (optional) Set to true to expand the optional comment.replies[] and comment.inReplyTo[] arrays from lists of comment ids to lists of the actual comment objects. Is false by default to prevent JSON circular structure: this way a whole thread could be serialized into a *.json file.

imageboard methods

getBoards(): Board[]

Returns a list of Boards. For some imageboards this isn't gonna be a full list of boards because, for example, ( has about 20,000 boards so getBoards() returns just the "top 20 boards" list.

hasMoreBoards(): boolean

Returns true if the "get boards" API doesn't return the full list of boards. For example, ( has about 20,000 boards, so getBoards() returns just the "top 20 boards", and to indicate that, hasMoreBoards() returns true.

getAllBoards(): Board[]

Returns the list of all Boards. For example, ( has about 20,000 boards, so getBoards() returns just the "top 20 boards", while getAllBoards() returns all 20,000 boards.

findBoards(query: string): Board[]

Returns a (non-full) list of Boards matching a query. For example, if an imageboard supports creating "user boards", and there're a lot of them, then getBoards() should return just the most popular ones, and to discover all other boards, searching by a query should be used.

This method isn't currently implemented in any of the supported imageboard engines.

canSearchForBoards(): boolean

Returns true if the imageboard supports searching for boards by a query.

getThreads({ boardId: string }, options: object?): Thread[]

Returns a list of Threads.

The optional options argument can be used to override some of the options of the imageboard() function.

Additional options:

  • withLatestComments: boolean — Pass true to get latest comments for each thread. Latest comments are added to thread.comments[]. The result might differ depending on the engine. For example, 4chan provides latest comments for each thread in its "get threads list" API response, while other engines don't — which is lame — and so the latest comments have to somehow be fetched separately. In such case, latest comments are available in the "get threads list page" API response.

  • maxLatestCommentsPages: number — The maximum number of threads list pages to fetch in order to get the latest comments. When the engine doesn't provide latest comments for each thread in its "get threads list" API response, the latest comments are fetched via "get threads list page" API which only outputs them for a single page, not for all threads on a board. Therefore, to get the latest comments for all threads on a board, the code has to fetch all pages of the threads list, of which there may be many (for example, 10). At the same time, usually imageboards warn the user of the "max one API request per second" rate limit (which, of course, isn't actually imposed). So, the code decides to play it safe and defaults to fetching just a single threads list page to get those threads' latest comments. A developer may specify a larger count of pages to be fetched. It is safe to specify "over the top" pages count because the code will just discard all "Not found" errors. All pages are fetched simultaneously for better UX due to shorter loading time.

getThread({ boardId: string, threadId: number }, options: object?): Thread

Returns a Thread.

The optional options argument can be used to override some of the options of the imageboard() function.

Other available options:

  • isArchived — (optional) Pass true when requesting an archived thread. This flag is not required in any way, but, for makaba engine, it reduces the number of HTTP Requests from 2 to 1 because in that case it doesn't have to attempt to read the thread by a non-"archived" URL (which returns 404 Not Found) before attempting to read it by an "archived" URL.

vote({ up: boolean, boardId: string, threadId: number, commentId: number }): boolean

Some imageboards (like allow upvoting or downvoting threads and comments on certain boards (like /po/litics on

Returns true if the vote has been accepted. Returns false if the user has already voted.

Miscellaneous API

The following functions are exported for "advanced" use cases. In other words, they're being used in captchan and that's the reason why they're exported.

getConfig(id: string): object?

Returns an imageboard config by its id. Example: getConfig("4chan").

Can be used in cases when an application for whatever reasons needs to know the imageboard info defined in the *.json file, such as domain, engine, etc.

getCommentText(comment: Comment, options: object?): string?

Generates a textual representation of Comment's content. This is just a getPostText() function re-exported from social-components for convenience.

Is used in the examples in this document.

Available options (optional argument):

  • messages: Messages? — (optional) "Messages" ("strings", "labels") used when generating text from content. See Messages.
  • skipPostQuoteBlocks: boolean? — (optional) Set to true to skip all "block" (not "inline") "comment quotes" (quotes citing a particular comment).
  • skipGeneratedPostQuoteBlocks: boolean? — (optional) Set to true to skip all "block" (not "inline") autogenerated "comment quotes" (autogenerated quotes citing a particular comment).


This library doesn't parse links to YouTube/Twitter/etc. Instead, this type of functionality is offloaded to a separate library. For example, captchan uses loadResourceLinks() and expandStandaloneAttachmentLinks() from social-components library when rendering comments to load YouTube/Twitter/etc links and embed the attachments directly in comments.



  // Board ID.
  // Example: "b".
  id: string,
  // Board title.
  // Example: "Anime & Manga".
  title: string,
  // Board description.
  description: string,
  // Is this board "Not Safe For Work".
  isNotSafeForWork: boolean?,
  // "Bump limit" for threads on this board.
  bumpLimit: number?,
  // "Comments posted per hour" stats for this board.
  // Is supported by `makaba` and `lynxchan`.
  commentsPerHour: number?,
  // The maximum attachments count in a thread.
  // Only present for
  maxAttachmentsInThread: number?,
  // Maximum comment length in a thread on the board (a board-wide setting).
  // Only present for ``.
  // `` also has it but doesn't return it as part of the `/boards.json` response.
  maxCommentLength: number?,
  // Maximum total attachments size in a thread on the board (a board-wide setting).
  // Only present for ``.
  // `` also has it but doesn't return it as part of the `/boards.json` response.
  maxAttachmentsSize: number?,
  // Maximum total video attachments size in a thread on the board (a board-wide setting).
  // Only present for ``.
  maxVideoAttachmentsSize: number?,
  // Create new thread cooldown.
  // Only present for ``.
  createThreadCooldown: number?,
  // Post new comment cooldown.
  // Only present for ``.
  postCommentCooldown: number?,
  // Post new comment with an attachment cooldown.
  // Only present for ``.
  attachFileCooldown: number?,
  // Whether "sage" is allowed when posting comments on this board.
  // Only present for ``.
  isSageAllowed: boolean?,
  // Whether to show a "Name" field in a "post new comment" form on this board.
  // Only present for ``.
  areNamesAllowed: boolean?


  // Thread ID.
  // Same as the "id" of the first comment.
  id: number,
  // Board ID.
  // Example: "b".
  boardId: string,
  // Comments count in this thread.
  // (including the main comment of the thread).
  commentsCount: number,
  // Attachments count in this thread.
  // (including the attachments of the main comment of the thread).
  attachmentsCount: number,
  // Thread title ("subject").
  title: string?,
  // If the thread has no `title`, then `autogeneratedTitle`
  // is generated from the thread's "original comment" `content`.
  // This could be empty too: for example, if the "original comment"
  // has no `content`.
  autogeneratedTitle: string?,
  // The list of comments in this thread.
  // (including the main comment of the thread).
  comments: Comment[],
  // Is this thread "sticky" (pinned).
  isSticky: boolean?,
  // Is this thread locked.
  isLocked: boolean?,
  // A "rolling" thread is the one where old messages are purged as new ones come in.
  isRolling: boolean?,
  // On imageboards, threads "expire" due to being pushed off the
  // last page of a board because there haven't been new replies.
  // On some boards, such "expired" threads are moved into an "archive"
  // rather than just being deleted immediately.
  // Eventually, a thread is deleted from the archive too.
  // If a thread is archived, then it's locked too (by definition).
  isArchived: boolean?,
  // If `isArchived` is `true`, then `archivedAt` date might be defined.
  // So far, only `4chan`, `makaba` and `lynxchan` seem to have the archive feature.
  // * `4chan` provides both `isArchived` and `archivedAt` data in thread properties.
  // * `makaba` doesn't provide such data, but the code employs some hacks
  //   to find out whether a thread is archived, and, if it is, when has it been archived.
  //   `makaba` requires the `request()` function to return a `{ response, url }` object
  //   in order to get the `archivedAt` date of an `isArchived` thread.
  // * `lynxchan` allows admins or moderators to manually archive threads,
  //   but doesn't provide `archivedAt` date.
  archivedAt: Date?,
  // Was the "bump limit" reached for this thread already.
  // Is `false` when the thread is "sticky" or "rolling"
  // because such threads don't expire.
  isBumpLimitReached: boolean?,
  // `` sets a limit on maximum attachments count in a thread.
  isAttachmentLimitReached: boolean?,
  // `` and `lynxchan` don't specify board settings in `/boards.json` API response.
  // Instead, they return various limits as part of "get threads" or
  // "get thread comments" API responses (`` returns for both
  // and `lynxchan` returns only for "get thread comments" API).
  // In such case `board` will be present in a `Thread` object.
  // Also `board` will be present when "get thread comments" API response
  // contains board title.
  board: {
    // (both `lynxchan` and ``)
    // Board title.
    title: string,
    // (`` only)
    // "Bump limit" for threads on this board.
    bumpLimit: number,
    // (both `lynxchan` and ``)
    // Maximum comment length.
    maxCommentLength: number,
    // (`` only)
    // Maximum total attachments size for a post.
    maxAttachmentsSize: number,
    // (`lynxchan` only)
    // Maximum attachment size for a post.
    maxAttachmentSize: number,
    // (`lynxchan` only)
    // Maximum attachments count for a post.
    maxAttachments: number,
    // (`` only)
    // Whether this board allows "Subject" when posting a new reply or creating a new thread.
    areSubjectsAllowed: boolean,
    // (`` only)
    // Whether this board allows attachments on posts.
    areAttachmentsAllowed: boolean,
    // (`` only)
    // Whether this board allows specifying "tags" when creating a new thread.
    areTagsAllowed: boolean,
    // (`` only)
    // Whether this board allows voting for comments/threads.
    hasVoting: boolean,
    // (both `lynxchan` and ``)
    // An array of "badges" (like country flags but not country flags)
    // that can be used when posting a new reply or creating a new thread.
    // Each "badge" has an `id` and a `title`.
    badges: object[]?
  // The date on which the thread was created.
  // Is absent in "get threads list" API response
  // of `lynxchan` engine which is a bug
  // but seems like they don't want to fix it.
  createdAt: Date?,
  // "Last Modified Date", usually including:
  // posting new comments, deleting existing comments, sticky/closed status changes.
  // Is usually present on all imageboards in "get threads list" API response
  // but not in "get thread comments" API response.
  updatedAt: Date?,
  // Custom spoiler ID (if custom spoilers are used on the board).
  // Only present for ``.
  customSpoilerId: number?,
  // Unique poster IP address subnets count.
  // Only present in "get thread" API response.
  uniquePostersCount: number?


  // Comment ID.
  id: number,
  // Comment title ("subject").
  title: string?,
  // The date on which the comment was posted.
  createdAt: Date,
  // "Last Modified Date".
  // I guess it includes all possible comment "modification"
  // actions like editing comment text, deleting attachments, etc.
  // Is present on "modified" comments in "get thread comments"
  // API response of `lynxchan` engine.
  updatedAt: Date?,
  // `` provides means for "original posters" to identify themselves
  // when replying in their own threads with a previously set "OP" cookie.
  isThreadAuthor: boolean?,
  // Some imageboards identify their users by a hash of their IP address subnet
  // on some of their boards (for example, all imageboards do that on `/pol/` boards).
  // On `8ch` and `lynxchan` it's a three-byte hex string (like "d1e8f1"),
  // on `4chan` it's a 8-character case-sensitive alphanumeric string (like "Bg9BS7Xl").
  authorId: String?,
  // If `authorId` is present then it's converted into a HEX color.
  // Example: "#c05a7f".
  authorIdColor: String?,
  // `` autogenerates names based on IP address subnet hash on `/po` board.
  // If this flag is `true` then it means that `authorName` is an equivalent of an `authorId`.
  authorNameIsId: boolean?,
  // Comment author name.
  authorName: String?,
  // Comment author's email address.
  authorEmail: String?
  // Comment author's "tripcode".
  authorTripCode: String?,
  // A two-letter ISO country code (or "ZZ" for "Anonymized").
  // Imageboards usually show poster flags on `/int/` boards.
  authorCountry: String?,
  // Some imageboards allow icons for posts on some boards.
  // For example, `` shows user icons on `/int/` board.
  // Author icon examples in this case: "UA", "RU-MOW", "TEXAS", "PROXYFAG", etc.
  // `authorBadgeUrl` is `/.static/flags/${authorBadge}.png`.
  // `authorBadgeName` examples in this case: "Ukraine", "Moscow", "Texas", "Proxy", etc.
  // Also, `` allows icons for posts on various boards like `/po/`.
  // Author icon examples in this case: "nya", "liber", "comm", "libertar", etc.
  // `authorBadgeUrl` is `/icons/logos/${authorBadge}.png`.
  // `authorBadgeName` examples in this case: "Nya", "Либерализм", "Коммунизм", "Либертарианство", etc.
  authorBadgeUrl: String?,
  authorBadgeName: String?,
  // If the comment was posted by a "priviliged" user
  // then it's gonna be the role of the comment author.
  // Examples: "administrator", "moderator".
  authorRole: String?,
  // ` (` and `lynxchan` have "global adiministrators"
  // and "board administrators", and "global moderators"
  // and "board moderators", so `authorRoleScope` is gonna be
  // "board" for a "board administrator" or "board moderator".
  authorRoleScope: String?,
  // If `true` then it means that the author was banned for the message.
  authorBan: boolean?,
  // An optional `String` with the ban reason.
  authorBanReason: String?,
  // If `true` then it means that the author has been verified
  // to be the one who they're claiming to be.
  // For example, `{ authorName: "Gabe Newell", authorVerified: true }`
  // would mean that that's real Gabe Newell posting in an "Ask Me Anything" thread.
  // It's the same as the "verified" checkmark on celebrities pages on social media like Twitter.
  authorVerified: Boolean?,
  // If this comment was posted with a "sage".
  isSage: boolean?,
  // Downvotes count for this comment.
  // Only for boards like `/po/` on ``.
  upvotes: number?,
  // Downvotes count for this comment.
  // Only for boards like `/po/` on ``.
  downvotes: number?,
  // Comment content.
  // If `parseContent: false` option was passed
  // then `content` is an HTML string (or `undefined`).
  // Otherwise, it's `Content` (or `undefined`).
  // Content example: `[['Comment text']]`.
  content: (string|Content)?,
  // If the `content` is too long a preview is generated.
  contentPreview: Content?,
  // Comment attachments.
  attachments: Attachment[]?,
  // The IDs of the comments to which this comment replies.
  // (excluding deleted comments).
  // If `expandReplies: true` option was passed
  // then `inReplyTo` is a list of `Comment`s.
  inReplyTo: (number[]|Comment[])?,
  // If the comment replies to some comments that have been deleted,
  // then this is gonna be the list of IDs of such deleted comments.
  inReplyToRemoved: number[]?,
  // The IDs of the comments which are replies to this comment.
  // (excluding deleted comments).
  // If `expandReplies: true` option was passed
  // then `replies` is a list of `Comment`s.
  replies: (number[]|Comment[])?


Each comment can have content and sometimes contentPreview both of which are Content unless parseContent: false option was passed in which case content is an HTML string and no contentPreview is generated.


An attachment can be a:

Imageboard config

  // (required)
  // Imageboard unique ID.
  "id": "4chan",

  // (required)
  // Imageboard website domain name.
  "domain": "",

  // (required)
  // The engine the imageboard runs on.
  // Must be supported out-of-the-box (see the `./engine` directory).
  // Supported engines:
  // * `"4chan"`
  // * `"vichan"`
  // * `"OpenIB"`
  // * `"lynxchan"`
  // * `"makaba"`
  "engine": "vichan",

  // (optional)
  // Boards list.
  // Some smaller older imageboards don't provide a "get boards list" API.
  // For such imageboards the boards list is "hardcoded" in the config.
  "boards": [
      // (required)
      // Board ID.
      "id": "λ",

      // (required)
      // Board title.
      "title": "Programming",

      // (optional)
      // Board category.
      // Can be used to display boards grouped by category.
      "category": "Technology"

  // (required)
  "api": {
    // (required if there's no "boards" config parameter)
    // "Get boards list" API URL.
    "getBoards": "/boards-top20.json",

    // (optional)
    // "Find boards by a query" API URL.
    // ` (` has about `20,000` boards total,
    // so "getBoards()" API only returns top 20 of them,
    // while "findBoards('')" API returns all `20,000` of them.
    "findBoards": "/boards.json",

    // (required)
    // "Get threads list" API URL template.
    "getThreads": "/{boardId}/catalog.json",

    // (required)
    // "Get thread comments" API URL template.
    "getThread": "/{boardId}/res/{threadId}.json"

    // (optional)
    // "Get archived thread comments" API URL template.
    // Some engines (like `4chan`) use the same URLs
    // for both ongoing and archived threads.
    // Some engines (like `makaba`) use different URLs
    // for ongoing and archived threads.
    "getArchivedThread": "/{boardId}/arch/res/{threadId}.json"

  // (required)
  // A template for a thread URL.
  // Isn't used anywhere in this library,
  // but third party applications like `captchan`
  // might use it to generate a link to the "original" thread.
  "threadUrl": "/{boardId}/res/{threadId}.html",

  // (required)
  // A template for a comment URL.
  // Is used when parsing links to other comments in comment HTML.
  "commentUrl": "/{boardId}/res/{threadId}.html#{commentId}",

  // (optional)
  // Attachment URL template.
  // Is required for imageboard engines that don't
  // provide the full attachment URL (`vichan`)
  // or for imageboards that host attachments on another domain
  // (`4chan` hosts attachments at ``).
  // Available parameters are:
  // * boardId — Board ID ("b", etc).
  // * name — Attachment filename on server.
  // * originalName — Original attachment filename, is used for non-image file attachments.
  // * ext — "." character plus attachment file extension.
  "attachmentUrl": "{boardId}/{name}{ext}",

  // (optional)
  // Attachment thumbnail URL pattern.
  // Same as "attachmentUrl" but for thumbnails.
  "attachmentThumbnailUrl": "{boardId}/{name}s.jpg",

  // (optional)
  // Imageboards usually store images/videos under random-generated filenames
  // and all other files under their original filename,
  // hence the separate "fileAttachmentUrl" parameter.
  "fileAttachmentUrl": "{boardId}/{originalName}{ext}",

  // (is only required by ` (`)
  // ` (` has `fpath: 0/1` parameter for attachments:
  // `fpath: 1` attachments are hosted at the global
  // board-agnostic URLs (not having `{boardId}` as part of their URL)
  // and all other attachments are hosted at board-specific URLs.
  "attachmentUrlFpath": "{name}{ext}",

  // (is only required by ` (`)
  // Attachment thumbnail URL pattern for `fpath: 1` attachments.
  // Same as "attachmentUrlFpath" but for thumbnails.
  "attachmentThumbnailUrlFpath": "{name}{ext}",

  // (optional)
  // Most imageboards set author name to some default placeholder
  // like "Anonymous" when no author name has been input.
  // The parser then checks if author name is equal to the
  // "defaultAuthorName" and if it is then it leaves the `authorName` blank.
  // Can be a string or an object of shape `{ boardId: defaultAuthorName }`.
  "defaultAuthorName": "Anonymous",
  // or on a per-board basis:
  // "defaultAuthorName": {
  //  "*": "Anonymous",
  //  "ru": "Аноним",
  //  "christan": "Christanon"
  // }

  // (required for `lynxchan`)
  // Thumbnail size. Is required for `lynxchan`.
  // `lynxchan` engine currently has a bug:
  // it doesn't provide thumbnail dimensions.
  // To work around that bug, thumbnail dimensions
  // are derived from the original image aspect ratio.
  "thumbnailSize": 255

Adding a new imageboard

  • Create the imageboard's directory in ./src/imageboard/chan.
  • Create index.json and index.js files in the imageboard's directory (see other imageboards as an example). See Imageboard config for the explanation of the index.json file format.
  • Add an export for the imageboard in ./src/imageboard/chan/index.js (same as for the existing imageboards).

If the imageboard runs on an already supported engine then it most likely has its own comment HTML syntax which could be different from other imageboards running on the same engine. In such case, go to the engine directory (./src/imageboard/engine/${engineName}) and edit index.js file to use the set of "comment parser plugins" specific to this new imageboard (see other imageboards' comment parser plugins as an example). Otherwise, if it's a new engine:

  • Create the engine directory in ./src/imageboard/engine.
  • Create index.js file in the engine directory (same as for the existing engines). The engine class must extend ./src/imageboard/Engine.js and implement at least four methods (parseBoards(), parseThreads(), parseThread() and parseComment()) and also provide a list of HTML "comment parser plugins" (see other engines as an example).
  • Add the engine in ./src/imageboard/engine/index.js file (same as for the existing engines).

Comment parser plugins

Imageboard comments are formatted in HTML. Different imageboards use their own comment HTML syntax. For example, bold text could be <strong>bold</strong> at some imageboards, <b>bold</b> at other imageboards and <span class="bold">bold</span> at the other imageboards, even if they all used the same engine. Hence, every imageboard requires defining their own set of "comment parser plugins" in ./src/imageboard/engine/${engine} directory.

A "comment parser plugin" is an object having properties:

  • tag: String — HTML tag (in lower case).
  • attributes: object[]? — A set of HTML tag attribute filters. An attribute filter is an object of shape { name: String, value: String }.
  • createBlock(content: PostContent, node, options): PostContent? — Receives child content and wraps it in a parent content block (see Post Content docs). Can return undefined. Can return a string, an object or an array of strings or objects. node is the DOM Node and provides methods like getAttribute(name: String). options is an object providing some configuration options like commentUrl template for parsing comment links (<a href="/b/123#456">&gt;&gt;456</a>).


<strong>bold <span class="italic">text</span></strong>


const parseBold = {
  tag: 'strong',
  createBlock(content) {
    return {
      type: 'text',
      style: 'bold',

const parseItalic = {
  tag: 'span',
  attributes: [{
    name: 'class',
    value: 'italic'
  createBlock(content) {
    return {
      type: 'text',
      style: 'italic',

export default [


      type: 'text',
      style: 'bold',
      content: [
        'bold ',
          type: 'text',
          style: 'italic',
          content: 'text'


Sometimes an optional messages object can be passed to define "messages" ("strings", "labels") used when parsing comments content. There're no defaults so these should be passed even for English.

Messages used for quoted comment links:

  comment: {
    default: "Comment",
    deleted: "Deleted comment",
    hidden: "Hidden comment",
    external: "Comment from another thread"

Messages used when generating content text (autogenerated quotes, autogenerated thread title):

  contentType: {
    picture: "Picture",
    video: "Video",
    audio: "Audio",
    attachment: "Attachment",
    link: "Link",
    linkTo: "Link to"

Imageboards' API



vichan engine was originally a fork of Tinyboard engine having more features. As of November 2017, vichan engine is no longer being maintained.

Chans running on their own vichan forks:


infinity is a vichan fork permitting users to create their own boards (hence the name). As of April 2017, infinity engine is no longer being maintained. OpenIB is a security-focused fork of the infinity engine which is no longer being maintained too.

The only imageboard running on infinity engine is currently (


The only imageboard running on makaba engine is currently


lynxchan seems to be the only still-being-maintained imageboard engine left. Has JSON API and POST API.

Chans running on lynxchan:

Known issues

There're some limitations for imageboards running on lynxchan engine (for example, due to the lack of support for several features in that engine.

There're some very minor limitations for ( caused by its OpenIB engine due to the lack of support for several very minor features in that engine.

There're some very minor bugs for caused by its makaba engine.


Unit tests:

npm test

Real-world tests:

npm run build
node test/test


On March 9th, 2020, GitHub, Inc. silently banned my account (erasing all my repos, issues and comments) without any notice or explanation. Because of that, all source codes had to be promptly moved to GitLab. The GitHub repo is now only used as a backup (you can star the repo there too), and the primary repo is now the GitLab one. Issues can be reported in any repo.
