
Main wrapper for infinity bot list to post stats, get info, intract with out webhooks!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import infinitybotsJs from '';


Our infinity bot list main wrapper!

Join Infinity Bot List

You can post 3 requests every 5 minutes (Rate Limit)

Post Requests

const IBL = require("infinity-api"); // We import our api
const stats = new IBL("Your BotID", "Your Bot Api token") // Add botID string, And Authorization token from the bot page

    setInterval(() => { 
        stats.postStats("Guilds count" /*, "Shards Count" */) // Post guilds count and shards count
    }, 3e5)

Get Requests

const IBL = require("infinity-api"); // We import our api
const stats = new IBL("Your BotID", "Your Bot Api token") // Add botID string, And Authorization token from the bot page

// Get Bot Stats
    stats.getStats((data) => {

// Get User Stats
    stats.getUser("userID", (data) => {


const infinity = require("infinity-api") // We import our api
const IBL = new infinity("botID", "botAuth", {webPort: 3001, webPath: "/IBLhook", webAuth: "Auth you placed in custom webhooks"}); // We fill requirements

IBL.webhook.on("votes", (vote) => {
    console.log(vote) // Receive vote content
IBL.webhook.on("ready", console.log) // Once the webserver start u will get message
IBL.webhook.on("destroyed", console.log) // Any errors will be generated from him