
Creates an HTTP response from an IPFS Hash

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ipfsHttpResponse from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ipfs-http-response';


⛔️ DEPRECATED js-ipfs-http-response repository is now deprecated in IPFS org, given it is now part of the js-ipfs monorepo packages.


standard-readme js-standard-style

Creates an HTTP response from an IPFS Hash

Lead Maintainer

Vasco Santos.


npm install ipfs-http-response


Creating HTTP Response

This project creates a HTTP response for an IPFS Path. This response can be a file, a HTML with directory listing or the entry point of a web page.

import { getResponse } from 'ipfs-http-response'

const result = await getResponse(ipfsNode, ipfsPath)

Using protocol-agnostic resolver

This module also exports the used ipfs resolver, which should be used when the response needs to be customized or non-HTTP transport is used:

import { resolver } from 'ipfs-http-response'

const result = await resolver.cid(ipfsNode, ipfsPath)

If ipfsPath points at a directory, resolver.cid will throw Error This dag node is a directory with a cid attribute that can be passed to resolver.directory:

import { resolver } from 'ipfs-http-response'

const result = await resolver.directory(ipfsNode, ipfsPath, cid)

result will be either a string with HTML directory listing or an array with CIDs of index pages present in inspected directory.

ipfs-http-response usage