
a bunch of functions to make various checks

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import isFns from '';



ts-is-fns - a bunch of functions to make various checks


To install the stable version:

npm install --save ts-is-fns


isEqual(objectA: any, objectB: any, options: IsEqualOptions)

Checks if the objectA shallowly or deeply equal objectB;

  • objectA, objectB - any mergeable object
  • IsEqualOptions - object with following properties:
    • deep?: boolean - make deep check
    • symbol?: boolean - check symbols properties either
    • skipKeys?: string[] - keys to skip check
    • deepKeys?: string[] - keys for deep check (only actual when deep is false)

isNull(value: any)

Checks if the value is strictly null

isUndefined(value: any)

Checks if the value is strictly undefined

isBool(value: any)

Checks if the value is boolean

isNumber(value: any)

Checks if the value is number

isInteger(value: any)

Checks if the value is integer

isString(value: any)

Checks if the value is string

isMergeable(value: any)

Checks if the value is mergeable

isObject(value: any)

Checks if the value is object and not array

isEmpty(value: any)

Checks if the value is mergeable and has no own properties

isSimpleObject(value: any)

Checks if the value is object, not array and has no consturctor (i.e. constructor === Object)

isArray(value: any)

Checks if the value is array

isFunction(value: any)

Checks if the value is function

isPromise(value: any)

Checks if the value is promise