
is-subset-of verifies whether an array or an object is a subset.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import isSubsetOf from '';



is-subset-of verifies whether an array or an object is a subset.


Category Status
Version npm
Dependencies David
Dev dependencies David
Build GitHub Actions
License GitHub


$ npm install is-subset-of

Quick Start

First you need to add a reference to is-subset-of to your application:

const { isSubsetOf } = require('is-subset-of');

If you use TypeScript, use the following code instead:

import { isSubsetOf } from 'is-subset-of';

Then you can verify if an array or an object is a subset of another array or object by calling the isSubsetOf function and handing over the arrays or objects:

  [ 2, 3, 5 ],
  [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 ]
// => true

  { name: 'the native web' },
  { name: 'the native web', city: 'Riegel am Kaiserstuhl' },
// => true

Verifying subsets structurally

From time to time, you are only interested if one object is a structural subset of another object, i.e. if its keys are contained within the other one, but you want to ignore the values. For that, use the isSubsetOf.structural function:

  { name: 'Node.js' },
  { name: 'the native web', city: 'Riegel am Kaiserstuhl' }
// => true

  { firstName: 'Golo', lastName: 'Roden' },
  { name: 'the native web' }
// => false

Running quality assurance

To run quality assurance for this module use roboter:

$ npx roboter