
textarea web component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jbTextarea from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jb-textarea';



simple textarea web component to input long text

  • lightweight
  • zero dependancy
  • help you manage validation in easy way
  • config auto height grow ability with max height
  • web component so you can use it with any framework you need

sample: https://codepen.io/javadbat/pen/poRZVXe

installation and setup

npm i jb-textarea
<jb-textarea label="توضیحات" value="" message="متن زیر باکس"></jb-textarea>

get and set value

// retun inputed text
document.querySelector("jb-textarea").value = "salam";
set value to salam



auto height grow

you can set autoHeight to true so when user type something and text overflow a textarea height component will grow by itself in boundary of --jb-textarea-min-height and --jb-textarea-max-height that you set by css variable

document.querySelector("jb-textarea").autoHeight = true;

the good point of set boundary with css variable is you can set different min or max base on device by CSS media queries.

set custome style

in some cases in your project you need to change defualt style of web-component for example you need zero margin or different border-radius and etc.
if you want to set a custom style to this web-component all you need is to set css variable in parent scope of web-component | css variable name | description | | ------------- | ------------- | | --jb-textarea-margin | web-component margin defualt is 0 12px | | --jb-textarea-border-radius | web-component border-radius defualt is 16px | | --jb-textarea-border-width | web-component border-width defualt is 1px | | --jb-textarea-border-color | border color of select in normal mode | | --jb-textarea-border-color-focus | border color of select in normal mode | | --jb-textarea-bgcolor | background color of input | | --jb-textarea-border-botton-width | border bottom thickness desualt is 3px | | --jb-textarea-label-font-size | font size of input label defualt is 0.8em | | --jb-textarea-value-font-size | font size of input value defualt is 1.1em | | --jb-textarea-value-color | color of value defualt in initial | | --jb-textarea-message-font-size | font size of message we show under input | | --jb-textarea-message-error-color | change color of error we show under input defualt is red | | --jb-textarea-min-height | minimum height of text area defualt is 80px | | --jb-textarea-max-height | minimum height of text area defualt is none | | --jb-textarea-placeholder-color | placeholder color defualt is 'initial' | | --jb-textarea-placeholder-font-size | placeholder font-size defualt is initial |