
Jest api mock is an easier way to configure mock api's for your api services. It's easy to setup and you don't need any complex setup. It leverages Jest's to provide a central config file for mocking all your api calls. You could see its magic especially when you have a complex heirarchy of api calls in your application and you wan't to configure them based on various parameters.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jestApiMock from '';


Jest Api Mock

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Jest api mock is an easier way to configure mock api's for your api services. It's easy to setup and you don't need any complex setup. It leverages Jest's to provide a central config file for mocking all your api calls. You could see its magic especially when you have a complex heirarchy of api calls in your application and you wan't to configure them based on various parameters.

You could refer to the blogPost - mocking-apis-with-jest and jest-api-mock to know more on how this package works.


Installation and Setup

Package Installation

To setup your fetch mock you need to do the following things:

$ npm install --save-dev jest-api-mock

Create a setupJest file to setup the mock or add this to an existing setupFile. :

Create a setupFile in case you don't already have one.

Create a setupFile and add the setupFile to your jest config in package.json:

"jest": {
  "automock": false,
  "setupFiles": [

Add the following lines to your setupFile

//setupJest.js or similar file
import "jest-api-mock";

With this, you should have access to a global variable jestApiMock. Now you need to tell jestApiMock, what path needs to be mocked. You would want to give abolute path of your service file which you are using to do api call.

const path = require("path");

With this your setup is done. All thats required now is to tell what service needs to be mocked and how.

    url: <api__path_to_mock>,
    get: <url_handler> // This is a function which you have written to handle apis ending with /todos/1
    url: <api__path_to_mock>,
    get: require('<path_to_file_with_response>') // This is the mock api response
    url: <api__path_to_mock>,
    post: <url_handler> // This is a function which you have written to handle apis ending with todos/addTodo of type post

url_handler - This is a function which will be called whenever the api is invoked. api__path_to_mock - You could give the entire string or give regex for more extensive comparison.

We will be referring to urlHandler throughout this document.

Sample of the complete setup

The entire structure looks something like below in your setupFile. If you already have a setup file with lot of configuration, its preferred to create another setupFile for better readability.

// This is a sample of the setup file - apiMockerSetup.js.
import "jest-mock-api";
import todoHandler from "./mocks/todoGetHandler";
import todoPostHandler from "./mocks/todoPostHandler";
const path = require("path");
    url: /[\w.]*\/todos\/1/i,
    get: todoHandler // This is a function which you have written to handle apis ending with /todos/1
    url: /[\w.]*\/user/i,
    get: require("./mocks/raw/userInfo") // This is the mock api response
    url: /[\w.]*\/todos/i,
    post: todoPostHandler // This is a function which you have written to handle apis ending with todos/addTodo of type post

Available api's

  • jestApiMock.updateParams()[Optional] - Add params which will be sent to your urlhandler.


This is especially useful to send custom mock response based on your test suite. You could either use it at the top of your file or for each test suite.

import { getUser } from "./store/user";

describe("This is a mock test suite", () => {
  beforeAll(() => {
    // This will be available in the url handler functions which are called to get the mocks
      user: "admin"

  it("should return true", () => {
    getUser().then(resp => {

Please refer to the example section to see how to access the params in the urlHandler.

Accessing paramaters in urlHandler

The parameters recieved by urlHandler functions are as follows

  genericParams, //Params passed to jestApiMock by calling `jestApiMock.updateParams()` api
  apiParams, //These are params sent during api call, could be especially useful if you want to customize the response based on params sent during POST,DELETE and PUT calls.


const userHandler = (url,data) => {
  let isAdmin = false;
  if(data.genericParams && data.genericParams.user === 'admin') {
    isAdmin = true;
  return {

export default apiHandler;

Known issues

  • doing jest.resetModules() resets all currently available modules. Since we use jests doMocks to mock api's, the mock gets reset and will not run for that test file.
  • Presently we can only mock for api services designed in axios style, like in the format below

We would like to extend this further to support anytype of api service