
Jest test regression detection.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jestRegression from '';


Jest regression

Simple zero dependency tool to check for test regression between commits.


  • create basic json report for current project state and save it under current checked out git commit id
  • check for test regression between two commits node ./node_modules/.bin/jest-regression <fom commit> <to commit>


npm install jest-regression


First create report for your current project state. Just simply run all tests with jest. Report with name of current checked out git commit id will be saved inside ./jest-regression folder (you can change default folder via config).

For instruction purposes lets say commit id is 79262dc. Example: ./jest-regression/79262dc.json

When you our your co-worker do next commit (lets say it's 4930822), just simply run tests again. Report will saved: Example: ./jest-regression/4930822.json

Now you can make regression test with command jest-regression <fom commit> <to commit>.


$ node ./node_modules/.bin/jest-regression 79262dc 4930822

... or if you add "jest-regression": "jest-regression" under scripts in package.json:


 "scripts": {
    "jest-regression": "jest-regression"
$ npm run jest-regression 79262dc 4930822

Example output:

$ jest-regression "79262dc" "4930822"

Checking for test regression from commit 5751a1a to 01d30c6.
Regression detected.
 FAILED    Test suite A Test 001

 FAILED    Test suite A Test 002

 FAILED    Test suite B Test 001


By default you don't have to configure anything.

Key Default value Description
testResultsProcessor / used to call next results processor, for example jest-html-reporter
skip false to skip jest-regression
skipNextProcessor false to prevent running next results processor
outputDir './jest-regression' save directory for jest-regression

Configuration is done via package.json

Example - changing output dir:

 "jest-regression": {
    "outputDir": "./jest-regression"

Example - passing results to jest-html-reporter package:

 "scripts": {
    "jest-regression": "jest-regression"
 "jest-regression": {
    "testResultsProcessor": "./node_modules/jest-html-reporter",
    "skipNextProcessor": false,

Example - skip report creation:

 "jest-regression": {
    "skip": true

Full example:

 "scripts": {
    "jest-regression": "jest-regression"
 "jest-regression": {
    "testResultsProcessor": "./node_modules/jest-html-reporter",
    "skip": false,
    "skipNextProcessor": false,
    "outputDir": "./jest-regression"