is a CLI for Jira's REST API in Node.
Install globally npm install -g jirest
or locally by setting the PATH export PATH=./node_modules/bin;$PATH
and npm install jirest
mkdir ~/.jirest
cp .jirest/config.sample.json ~/.jirest/config.json
nano ~/.jirest/config.json
Try it out with jirest [someproject]-[someticketnumber]
If you want a different layout, cp .jirest/* ~/.jirest/
and start playing with the templates in eco
OAuth instead of cleartext user and pass
jirest auth user:password
Search for an issue
jirest (issue) search
DONE Read issue
jirest (issue) proj-5
DONE Open issue in browser
jirest proj-5 open
DONE Create branch name from issue
jirest proj-5 branch
Assign me to issue
jirest proj-5 assignme
Add comment to issue
jirest proj-5 comment 'lorem ipsum'
Search for a user
jirest user search
Read user
jirest user username