
JQuery dialog helper

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jqueryDialogMethod from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jquery-dialog-method';


Create dialog based on JQuery Dialogs plugin

config input:

All the below config properties are optional except for the htmlId property.
   config = {
        htmlId: "dialog-1",
        title: "This is Dialog 1",
        resizable: true,
        height: "auto",
        width: 400,
        modal: true,
        okButtonText: "Ok",
        cancelButtonText: "Cancel",
        callback: function (selection) {
           // callback when button okButton, cancelButton for "x" is selected.
           // The  text of the button is returned in selection.
           // For the "x" button,  "x" is returned.
        openInit: function (evt,ui {
            // callback when the dialog is opened, any content
            // in the dialog for example, a selection list
            // or text field can be initialized.

A simple html element might look something like:

<div id="dialog-1"  >
    This dialog has all the default config pararmeters

A simple dialog using all the config "defaults" with above html element might look something like:

   let myDialog = createDialog({
         htmlId: "dialog-1"

Then to launch the dialog:


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npm install jquery-dialog-method --dev-save

Since this uses the JQuery plugins, css and images file you will need to include the following in your project

npm install jquery --dev-save

Then add below to your index.html

The css files

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/jquery-dialog-method/dist/css/jquery-ui.css">

  <!-- NOTE: when overriding jquery.ui classes make sure  jquery-ui.css is loaded first -->

   <link href="node_modules/jquery-dialog-method/dist/css/popup-dialogs.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

The js files

 <script src="node_modules/jquery-dialog-method/dist/dialogs.js"></script>

 <script src="node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>

 <script src="node_modules/jquery-dialog-method/dist/jquery-ui.js"></script>

Running the Demo

  1. clone the project
  1. cd to the project directory and
  • npm install
  • npm run build
  1. Enter the following in your browser:
  • file:///<project-root-dir>/jquery-dialog-method/index.html