
Jquery plugin for onepage scroll effect

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jqueryOps from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jquery-ops';



jQuery 3.x

Browser support

  • Modern browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
  • Also work fine on IE11 and Edge.

Basic Usage

  • Add jquery-ops.min.css from /dist directory into your document's <head> section.
  • Add jquery-ops.min.js from /dist directory to the bottom of your document's <body> section.
  • Create element that will be container for your "screens"
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/jquery-ops.min.css">
  <div class="jquery-ops-container">
    or you can put any type of html tag, such as div
  <script src="path/to/jquery-ops.min.js"></script>
  • Call the function to activate plugin:
  easing: "ease-in-out",                       // Transition timing function
  scrollSpeed: 2,                              // Scroll speed between screens in secconds
  startScreenIndex: 0,                         // Start from screen(0 - is the first screen)
  destroyTo: 992,                              // Plugin not working when screen width less then this value
  beforeChange: function(screenIndex, scrollDirrection) { ... }, // Fired before scrolling to another screen
  afterChange: function(screenIndex, scrollDirrection) { ... },  // Fired after scrolling to another screen
  onDestroy: function(screenIndex) { ... },    // Fired when plugin stop working
  onInit: function(screenIndex) { ... }        // Fired when plugin start working


$(".jquery-ops-container").ops_gotoScreen(screenIndex); // Scrolling to screen with index...
$(".jquery-ops-container").ops_nextScreen();            // Scrolling to the next screen
$(".jquery-ops-container").ops_prevScreen();            // Scrolling to the previous screen
$(".jquery-ops-container").ops_refresh();               // Reinit plugin
$(".jquery-ops-container").ops_destroy();               // Destroy plugin