
jQuery plugin for displaying JSON data

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jqueryJsonViewer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jquery.json-viewer';


jQuery json-viewer

npm npm npm

json-viewer is a jQuery plugin for easily displaying JSON objects by transforming them into HTML.


  • Syntax highlighting
  • Collapse and expand child nodes on click
  • Clickable links
  • Easily readable and minimal DOM structure

Check out the demo page!


Copy sources from git repository, or use npm:

npm install jquery.json-viewer

Make sure jQuery is already included. Then import jquery.json-viewer.js and jquery.json-viewer.css in your HTML document:

  <script src="json-viewer/jquery.json-viewer.js"></script>
  <link href="json-viewer/jquery.json-viewer.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">


Call the jsonViewer() method on target element and pass your JSON data in argument:

<pre id="json-renderer"></pre>
var data = {
  "foobar": "foobaz"


The jsonViewer method accepts an optional config object as a second argument. The supported options are:

  • collapsed (boolean, default: false): all nodes are collapsed at html generation.
  • rootCollapsable (boolean, default: true): allow root element to be collasped.
  • withQuotes (boolean, default: false): all JSON keys are surrounded with double quotation marks ({"foobar": 1} instead of {foobar: 1}).
  • withLinks (boolean, default: true): all values that are valid links will be clickable, if false they will only be strings.


$('#json-renderer').jsonViewer(data, {collapsed: true, withQuotes: true, withLinks: false});
