
js-in-bit make converting from any format (hexa,binary,deciaml) to other is very easily

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsInBits from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/js-in-bits';



js-in-bits makes converting between decimal, binary, hexadecimal very easily in javascript


Use npm to install js-ib-bits.

npm install js-in-bits


// Main functions
const {hexa,decimal,binary,octal} = require('js-in-bits')

hexa(10101010,'binary',true) # returns '0xAA'
hexa(10101010,'binary',false) # returns 'AA'
hexa(92,'decimal') # returns '5C'

binary('AA','hexa') # returns '10101010'
binary('22FFAAB8','hexa',true) # returns '0010_0010_1111_1111_1010_1010_1011_1000'
binary('200','decimal') # returns '11001000'

decimal('6F','hexa') # returns '111'
decimal('11001000','binary') # return '200'

octal('100','decimal') # returns '144'
octal('150A','hexa') # returns '12412'

/* NOTE:: In case you don't determine the type of number(second argument)that you want to convert it 
in "hexa()" | "binary()" be care that number will be treated as "decimal"  */

/* NOTE:: In case you don't determine the type of number(second argument)that you want to convert it 
in "decimal()" be care that number will be treated as "binary"  */

/* NOTE:: In case you don't determine the type of number(second argument)that you want to convert it 
in "octal()" be care that number will be treated as "decimal"  */

hexa(10101010) # returns '9A2112'
decimal('100') # returns 4 

// Extra functions 
const {isDecimal,isBinary,isHexa} = require('js-in-bits')

isDecimal(122) # returns true
isDecimal('A1222') # returns false
isDecimal(10101010) # returns true

isBinary(101010) # returns true
isBinary("10A21011") # returns false

isHexa('AEGFEDB') # returns false
isHexa('A69') # returns true
isHexa('0xAE') # returns true
isHexa('0XGT') # returns false



- hexa(number,type,contain_ox),
- binary(number,type,separate_with_underScore),
- decimal(number,type)
- octal(number,type)

number: that number you want to convert it (required)
type: type of number you want to convert it (required when a number can be represented in two formats)
contain_ox: print the return value from hexa() concatenating with 0x (optional)
separate_with_underScore: separate the return value from binary() aftey every 4-digits (optional)


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
