
A Javascript class to help create powerful and robust state machines for components.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsStatemachine from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/js-statemachine';




I started using state machines after listening to the Full Stack Radio podcast with David Khourshid. I originally just used objects as enums and compared them against a variable, but ultimately I felt something was missing.

I've contributed to one of nvms' repositories vue-atlas and I stumbled across one of his other packages for PHP State Machines, php-nfa, which is where I drew a lot of inspiration from for this library.

I've made a number of key changes to simplify and streamline (in my opinion!) the process.


This library uses ES6 classes and relies heavily on inheritance. If you are using babel, you need to ensure that this package is not excluded. Many configs exclude node_modules by default.

Example uses Laravel Mix

module: {
      rules: [
          test: /\.jsx?$/,
          exclude: /node_modules\/(?![js-statemachine])/,
          use: [
              loader: 'babel-loader',
              options: Config.babel()

Creating your State Engine

The examples will focus on creating a state engine for a Vue component, but this can be applied to anything you wish.


import StateMachine from 'js-statemachine';

class ComponentState extends StateMachine {
    initial() {
        return [ComponentState.IDLE];

ComponentState.LOADING = 'loading';
ComponentState.IDLE = 'idle';
ComponentState.ERROR = 'error';
ComponentState.HAS_DATA = 'has_data';
ComponentState.EMPTY = 'empty';

export default ComponentState;

First you need to import the state machine class, then extend it. You can override the initial method to set default states for your component. This needs to be an array.

Then, below the class, define some static variables for your states. Here I have loading, idle, error, has_data and empty.

Finally, export your class.

Using your State Engine

Example is a Vue component, idea applicable to other frameworks/vanilla

import ComponentState from '../../classes/ComponentState';
export default {
    data() {
        return {
            state: null, // where our state object will be stored
            ComponentState // allows us to use the static variables in the template
    created() {
        this.state = new ComponentState(); // defaults to ComponentState.IDLE

        // Use the swap method to swap IDLE with LOADING
        this.state.swap(ComponentState.IDLE, ComponentState.LOADING);
        // Load some data
    methods: {
        filesLoaded(response) {
            // Swap LOADING for IDLE and HAS_DATA
                [ComponentState.IDLE, ComponentState.HAS_DATA]
        loadError(error) {
            this.state.set(ComponentState.ERROR); // Override ALL states.



  • Returns: Array

  • Details:

    Returns an array of the default states. Override this if you would like to change the defaults.


  • Arguments:

    • {String} state
  • Returns: Boolean

  • Details:

    Checks if state is active.


  • Arguments:

    • {String} state
  • Returns: Boolean

  • Details:

    Checks if state is not active.


  • Arguments:

    • {String|Array} state
  • Returns: void

  • Details:

    Sets the current state to state. This will remove any existing states.

swap(oldState, newState)

  • Arguments:

    • {String|Array} oldState
    • {String|Array} newState
  • Returns: void

  • Details:

    Swaps the state(s) in oldState with the state(s) in newState


  • Arguments:

    • {String|Array} state
  • Returns: void

  • Details:

    Removes the state(s) in state.


  • Arguments:

    • {String|Array} state
  • Returns: void

  • Details:

    Adds the state(s) in state.