
Utility functions for JSON.parse and JSON.stringify to work with typed arrays and array buffers.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsonArraybufferReviver from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/json-arraybuffer-reviver';



Utility functions for JSON.parse and JSON.stringify to work with typed arrays and array buffers.


Install the library via NPM:

# npm install json-arraybuffer-reviver



Before you can use the functionality in your project, you need to import it to your project:

// Import the Price Oracle library.
import { replacer, reviver } from 'json-arraybuffer-reviver`;


When you need to JSON.stringify() or JSON.parse() data that contains ArrayBuffers, DataViews or BigInts, simply pass in the replacer and reviver functions:

// Create some data to encode.
const inputData = new Uint8Array();

// Encode the data into JSON.
const encodedData = JSON.stringify(inputData, replacer);

// Decode the data from JSON.
const outputData = JSON.parse(encodedData, reviver);


The replacer function looks at the data that you are trying to encode into JSON and instead of using the default toString() methods it encodes the data in a human readable form as follows:


    $BigInt: 'The integer number as a string'


        View: "Name of the ArrayBuffer or DataView type, as a string",
        Data: "Hexadecimal representation of the bytes that make up the ArrayBuffer",


The code for these utility functions was inspired by a gist by Jimmy Wärting, but rebuilt from scratch in order to be:

  • human readable,
  • clear in purpose,
  • properly documented and
  • well tested.