
Create an instance of [JsonLd](https://npmjs.com/package/jsonld) with a context cache and custom fetch.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsonldCached from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/jsonld-cached';


JsonLd Cached

Create an instance of JsonLd with a context cache and custom fetch.

import JsonLdCached from 'jsonld-cached';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import activityStreams from './contexts/activitystreams.js';

const contexts = {
    'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams': activitystreams

const jsonld = JsonLdCached({ contexts, fetch });


  • jsonld: ^5.2.0



Jsonld Cached


Fetch : function

An method adhering to the fetch spec

ContextCache : Object | Map | Maplike

An object or map-like for caching contexts

Maplike : Object

An object with set and get functions



The jsonld package


Jsonld Cached


An error that occured while fetching a JSONLD resource

Kind: static class of jsonld-cached

Name Type Description
response Fetch.Response The fetch response object

jsonld-cached~default ⇒ JsonLd

Create an instance of the JsonLD library, with a context cache and custom fetch

Kind: inner property of jsonld-cached
Returns: JsonLd - An instance of JSONLD

  • JsonLdFetchError The http request for a resource did not respond with a 2xx status code
Param Type Description
options Object Options object
options.contexts ContextCache A dict or map-like data structure for caching contexts
options.fetch Fetch A fetch-like method for making http requests

Fetch : function

An method adhering to the fetch spec

Kind: global typedef

ContextCache : Object | Map | Maplike

An object or map-like for caching contexts

Kind: global typedef

Maplike : Object

An object with set and get functions

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Description
get.key string The url to get for
set.key string The url to set for
set.value string The value to set


Name Type Description
get function Get a value from the cache - can be async
set function Set a value in the cache - can be async


The jsonld package

Kind: global external
See: jsonld