
replace all occurrences of a string within a string with another string

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import justReplaceAll from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/just-replace-all';



Part of a library of zero-dependency npm modules that do just do one thing. Guilt-free utilities for every occasion.

🍦 Try it

npm install just-replace-all
yarn add just-replace-all

Replace all occurrences of a string within a string with another string

  import replaceAll from 'just-replace-all';

  replaceAll('hello, world', 'l', 'q'); // 'heqqo, worqd'
  replaceAll('hello, world', 'l', 'qq'); // 'heqqqqo, worqqd'
  replaceAll('hello, world', 'll', 'q'); // 'heqo, world'
  replaceAll('hello, world', '', 'q'); // 'hello, world'
  replaceAll('hello, world', 'l', ''); // 'heo, word'
  replaceAll('hello, world', null, 'q'); // 'hello, world'
  replaceAll('hello, world', 'l'); // throw
  replaceAll('hello, world'); // throw
  replaceAll(); // throw
  replaceAll(null, 'l', 'q'); // throw
  replaceAll('hello, world', null, 'q'); // throw
  replaceAll('hello, world', 'l', null); // throw