
Basic Markdown theme for JSON Resume

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import kcvThemeMarkdown from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/kcv-theme-markdown';


Basic Markdown theme

This is the basic markdown theme for JSON Resume.

Getting started

You can preview the markdown generated here:

To get started you will need to install the resume client tool:

sudo npm install -g resume-cli

Once the resume client is installed you get initialize a new resume.jso file by calling:

resume init

Go ahead and update you resume.json with all your information.

Once you are done you can test that the format is correct by calling:

resume test

Next you will need to register with jsonresume.org by calling:

resume register

The last step is to publish your resume by calling:

resume publish

Once published you can access the markdown version at the url http://registry.jsonresume.org/{username}?theme=markdown'


Available under the MIT license.