
Check if elements are in viewport.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import kistInviewport from '';



Check if elements are in viewport.


npm install kist-inviewport --save

bower install kist-inviewport --save


Following API description assumes you use this module as jQuery plugin.


Returns: jQuery


Type: Integer|Object|String

Options defined as Integer

Type: Integer
Default: 0

Value in pixels which will signal plugin to check for element presence earlier in document.

Options defined as Object
Property Type Description Default value
threshold Integer Value in pixels which will signal plugin to check for element presence earlier in document. 0
debounce Integer Time in milliseconds which will be used to debounce callback execution. 300
success Function Callback to execute if there are elements inside viewport. Provides jQuery elements in viewport as first argument. $.noop
once Function Callback to execute first time when there are elements inside viewport. Provides jQuery elements in viewport as first argument. $.noop
Options defined as String

Destroy plugin instance.


Type: Object

Change defaults for every plugin instance.


Returns every .block element with 300px threshold.


Returns first .block element with 100px threshold.

$('.block').eq(0).inViewport({ threshold: 100 });

Callback when .block elements with 300px threshold are in viewport.

    threshold: 300,
    success: function ( el ) {
        console.log( 'We’re in viewport!' );

Callback when .block elements with 300px threshold are in viewport and debounce is 100ms.

    threshold: 300,
    debounce: 100,
    success: function ( el ) {
        console.log( 'We’re in viewport!' );
    once: function ( el ) {
        console.log( 'We’re in viewport and this is called only once!' );

Callback when first .block element with 300px threshold is in viewport.

    threshold: 300,
    success: function ( el ) {
        console.log( 'I’m in viewport!' );

Callback when first .block element with 300px threshold is in viewport and debounce is 100ms.

    threshold: 300,
    debounce: 100,
    success: function ( el ) {
        console.log( 'I’m in viewport!' );
    once: function ( el ) {
        console.log( 'I’m in viewport and this is called only once!' );

Destroy plugin instance.


AMD and global

define(['kist-inviewport'], cb);


Browser support

Tested in IE8+ and all modern browsers.


MIT © Ivan Nikolić