
a koa middleware that call an user defined middleware when ctx.path starts with a prefix string, when string matched or path segments matched

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import koaContribPathstartswith from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/koa-contrib-pathstartswith';



a koa middleware that call an user defined middleware when ctx.path starts with a prefix string, when string matched or path segments matched

This is a replacement for koa-mount.

How it works

There are two middlewares.

  • stringStartsWith matched if ctx.path has a given prefix string, just simple string compare.
  • segmentsStartWith matched if path segments (path & prefix string splited by '/') match.


Install via npm or yarn.

# for npm
npm i --save koa-contrib-pathstartswith
# for yarn
yarn add koa-contrib-pathstartswith

Use as a Koa middleware in your app.

// import it
const {
} = require('koa-contrib-pathstartswith')

// use stringStartsWith, prefix `/ipad`.
// urls below
//        /ipad/
//        /ipad-pro/
//        /ipad-10.2/
//        /ipad-10.2/why-ipad/
//        /ipad-10.2/specs/
//        /ipad-mini/
//        /ipad-compare/
//        /ipad-keyboards/
//        /ipados/
//        /ipad/why-ipad/
//        /ipad/business/
// will be matched.
// below
//       /education/ipad/
//       /buy_ipad/ipad_10_2/
// will not matched.
app.use(stringStartsWith('/ipad', myMiddleware1))

// use stringStartsWith, prefix `/ipad/`.
// urls below
//        /ipad/
//        /ipad/why-ipad/
//        /ipad/business/
// will be matched.
// and below
//        /ipad-pro/
//        /ipad-10.2/
//        /ipad-10.2/why-ipad/
//        /ipad-10.2/specs/
//        /ipad-mini/
//        /ipad-compare/
//        /ipad-keyboards/
//        /ipados/
//        /education/ipad/
//        /buy_ipad/ipad_10_2/
// will not matched.
app.use(stringStartsWith('/ipad/', myMiddleware2))

// use segmentsStartWith, prefix '/ipad' or '/ipad/'.
// urls below
//        /ipad/
//        /ipad/why-ipad/
//        /ipad/business/
// will be matched.
// and below
//        /ipad-pro/
//        /ipad-10.2/
//        /ipad-10.2/why-ipad/
//        /ipad-10.2/specs/
//        /ipad-mini/
//        /ipad-compare/
//        /ipad-keyboards/
//        /ipados/
//        /education/ipad/
//        /buy_ipad/ipad_10_2/
// will not matched.
app.use(segmentsStartWith('/ipad', myMiddleware3))
// or
app.use(segmentsStartWith('/ipad/', myMiddleware3))

// when matched, the middleware applied to it will be called.

Compare to koa-mount

  • These middlewares do not rewrite ctx.path, make things clearer.
  • And do not mount Koa application.
  • Simple and easy to use.


The MIT License.