
Connects konami-code-js to emojisplosion for a glorious easter egg.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import konamimojisplosion from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/konamimojisplosion';



Code Style: Prettier TypeScript: Strict NPM version

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🎉 ✨ 🎆

Hooks konami-code-js to trigger emojisplosion.

If a user types in the Konami Code on their keyboard or taps it on their mobile phone, emojisplosions will start firing on the page. Triggering the Konami Code again will stop the emojisplosions.

Check it out on Codecademy Docs!


You can import and use this as a standalone function, a React hook, or a React class component.

Standalone Function

import { initializeKonamimojisplosion } from 'konamimojisplosion';


React Hook

import { useKonamimojisplosion } from 'konamimojisplosion';

function MyComponent() {

    return (
        Hello, world!

React Class Component

Tip: the class component just calls the hook internally.

import { Konamimojisplosion } from 'konamimojisplosion';

class MyComponent {
  render() {
    return (
        <Konamimojisplosion />
        Hello, world!



After forking the repo from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/<your-name-here>/konamimojisplosion
cd konamimojisplosion

Contribution Guidelines

We'd love to have you contribute! Check the issue tracker for issues labeled accepting prs to find bug fixes and feature requests the community can work on. If this is your first time working with this code, the good first issue label indicates good introductory issues.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Covenant. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. See CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md.