
Type-safe LDAP client written in typescript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ldapTsClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ldap-ts-client';


Type-safe Promise base LDAP Client

LDAP Client to do low level promise base interaction with ldap server

  • Promise based functions
  • type-safe with Typescript

How to use it:

  • npm i ldap-ts-client
import { IClientConfig, LdapClient } from "ldap-ts-client";

const config: IClientConfig = {
  url: "ldap://Domain.com" /** Domain name here */,
  bindDN: "{USER_NAME}" /** user name to connect to AD server */,
  secret: "{PASSWORD}" /** password for account */,
  baseDN: "{ROOT_OF_TREE}" /** root of tree that want to query */,

const client = new LdapClient(config);

// do something with client!

// always free-Up after you done the job!

API Documentation

for full API documentation look at API Website


async queryAttributes()

/** get displayName of all users */
const users = await client.queryAttributes({
  attributes: ["displayName"],
  options: {
    scope: "sub",
    paged: true,

// always unbind after finish the operation to prevent memory leak

Advance Uses:

async query() (raw search to provided full flexibility)

/** get displayName and distinguished name  of empty groups */
const groups = await client.query({
  attributes: ["displayName", "dn"],
  options: {
    filter: "(&(objectClass=group)(!(member=*)))",
    scope: "sub",
    paged: true,

// always unbind after finish the operation to prevent memory leak

async bind() to access underlying api. returns a connected ldap.js client.

NOTICE: lpad.js is using node EventEmitters not ES6 Promises

client.bind().then((client) => {
  client.search(this.config.baseDN, opts, (err, res) => {
    if (err) {
    res.on("searchEntry", (entry) => {});
    res.on("error", (err) => {});
    res.on("end", function (result) {


  • remove dependency to ldap.js package
  • add Windows Integrated Authentication Kerberos