
A Utility Library for Typescript that offers a variety of Decorators. That solve common tasks, hence the name Lib of Commons, like logging or parameter validation and many more.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import libOfCommons from '';


Lib of Common

This library is a utility library for Typescript which provides functionality for addressing cross-concerns e.g. Logging, Caching or Validation. For a list of available decorators see.


  1. Installation via yarn or npm with: $ npm install lib-of-commons or $ yarn add lib-of-commons.
  2. Enable experimentalDecorators:true & emitDecoratorMetadata:true in tslint.json.

Note: Some of the Decorators e.g. Measure currently rely on Node API's and won't work in the browser.



    // Also compatible with Winston default logger.
    const logger: IToolboxLogger = console; // Fallback value

    class Example {
        @Log(Level.Info, logger)
        public login(username: string, @Hide() secret: string, privs: string[]) {
            // Generate token based on input

    const instance = new Example();
    instance.login('username', 'geheim', ['history_read', 'history_write']);
    // => Call: login("username",*****,["history_read","history_write"])


    const logger: ICache = new MemoryCache(); // Fallback value
    const ONE_MINUTE = 60 * 1000; // Fallback value

    class Example {
        add(a: number, b: number){
            return a + b;

        validate(@CacheKey token: string, timestamp: number, debug: boolean){
            // Validate

    const instance = new Example();
    instance.add(1,2); // => 3 calculated
    instance.add(1,2); // => 3 from Cache
    instance.add(2,2); // => 4 calculated

    instance.validate('supersecret',, false); // validated
    instance.validate('supersecret', 1343, true); // cached
    instance.validate('othersecret',, false); // validated


    class Example {
        div(@isInteger() a: number, @isInteger() @isGreater(0) b: number){
            return a / b;

        addPriv(userUUID: string, @isOneOf(["Read", "Write", "Update", "Delete"]) newPriv: string) {
            // Add Priv to userUUID
            return true;

        discount(price:number, @isSmaller(0.20) discountFactor: number){
            return price - ((price / 100) * discountFactor);

    const instance = new Example();

    instance.div('0', 2); // => Error div: Parameter 0 was not an Integer
    instance.div(0, '2'); // => Error div: Parameter 1 was not an Integer

    instance.div(2, 0); // => Error div: Parameter 1 was not greater then 0
    instance.div(2, -1); // => Error div: Parameter 1 was not greater then 0

    instance.addPriv('2d776ba0-5fca-409f-9181-388a7f76e260', 'root'); // => Error addPriv: Parameter 1 was not in whitelist, 0.5); // => Error discount: Parameter 1 was not smaller then 0.2


    // Predicat that should return true if the error is retriable
    const isNetworkError = error => !!error && error instanceof NetworkError;
    const retries = 3; // Default Value

    class Example {
        @AsyncRetry(isNetworkError, retries)
        async backgroundTask(input: any) {
            // Can fail with NetworkError
            await client.sendData(input);

        @Retry(isNetworkError, retries)
        task() {
            // Can fail with NetworkError
            await client.sendData(input);

    const instance = new Example();

    instance.backgroundTask('data'); // => Will retry up to 3 times as long as error is an NetworkError
    instance.task(); // => Will retry up to 3 times as long as error is an NetworkError
    // Debounce Window in MS
    const DEBOUNCE_WINDOW_MS = 500;

    class Example {
        sync(input: any) {
            console.log('Synced with input:', input);

    const instance = new Example();

    instance.sync('I will be synced'); // => Synced with input: I will be synced
    instance.sync('I will not be synced'); // => dropped

    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 600));

    instance.sync('I will be synced again'); // => Synced with input: I will be synced again
    instance.sync('I still will not be synced'); // => dropped


    //#### Following Code is required to obtain reported Metrics ####//

    // Could also choose a less specialized type e.g. any
    class MyMonitor implements IMonitor<number> {
        getIdentifier(): string {
            return 'MyMonitor';

        handleAnnouncement(announcement: Announcement<number>): void {
            if (announcement.key === 'Timings') {
      'Execution Time',;

    // Register MyMonitor
    const globalAnnouncer = libOfCommons.getAnnouncerInstance();
    globalAnnouncer.register(new MyMonitor());

    //#### Usage of the Measure Decorator ####//
    class Example {
        @Measure(TimeUnit.Nanosecond, 'Timings')
        async sleep(time: number) {
            return await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time));

    const instance = new Example();

    await instance.sleep(100); // => Execution Time 100963100 (~ 100,96 ms)
    await instance.sleep(100); // => Execution Time 101334900 (~ 101,33 ms)
    await instance.sleep(100); // => Execution Time 101105000 (~ 101,10 ms)
    //#### Following Code is required to obtain reported Metrics ####//

    // Could also choose a less specialized type e.g. any
    class MyMonitor implements IMonitor<number> {
        getIdentifier(): string {
            return 'MyMonitor';

        handleAnnouncement(announcement: Announcement<number>): void {
            if (announcement.key === 'User_Subscribed') {
      'Current Value',;

    // Register MyMonitor
    const globalAnnouncer = libOfCommons.getAnnouncerInstance();
    globalAnnouncer.register(new MyMonitor());

    //#### Usage of the Measure Decorator ####//
    class Example {
        subscribed(email: string) {
            // Do something
            return true;

    const instance = new Example();

    instance.subscribed(''); // => Current Value 1