
Tool and model to handle string lines and indentation.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import linesBuilder from '';



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Tool and model to handle string lines and indentation.


To create a new lines-builder object:

import { lines } from "lines-builder";

const l = lines("Hello World\nThis is the 2nd line");
// Hello World
// This is the 2nd line

lines accepts an optional options object and any additional string (or lines-builder) as lines.


Option Type Description Default
indent string|number The indentation to use to indent the lines (exact string or the number of spaces). null (no indentation)
indentEmpty boolean Whether the empty lines should still be indented. false
skipFirstLevelIndent boolean Whether only the nested lines-builders should be indented. false
skipEmpty boolean Whether empty lines should be added to the output string. false
trimLeft boolean Can trailing white spaces be trimmed from the parsed lines. true
trimRight boolean Can leading white spaces be trimmed from the parsed lines. true
eol string The line-break to be used. If not set, it is determined based on the platform. null


You can append any lines, including new line to the end (in place), passing any string (or lines-builder) as arguments to append :

l.append("3rd line", null, "4th line\nand 5th line");
// Hello World
// This is the 2nd line
// 3rd line
// 4th line
// 5th line


You can prepend any lines, including new-line to the beginning (in place), passing any string (or lines-builder) as arguments to prepend :

l.prepend("This is the title", null, "And the 0th line");
// This is the title
// And the 0th line
// Hello World
// This is the 2nd line
// 3rd line
// 4th line
// 5th line


You can set a global indentation to the lines added:

const l = lines({ indent: '--' }, "Hello World", "2nd line");
// --Hello World
// --2nd line

By default, no indentation is set.

You can also set a number as the indentation. In this case, the given number of spaces will be used.


By default, lines-builder trims the leading and trailing whitespaces, but you can turn it off:

const l = lines({ trimLeft: false, trimRight: false }, "Hello World  ", "  2nd line\n  3rd line");
// Hello World
//   2nd line
//   3rd line


Lines-builder accepts another lines-builder instance instead of any string lines, to be able to nest it:

const nested = lines({ indent: '==' }, "1st nested", "2nd nested");
const parent = lines({ indent: '--' }, "1st parent", nested, "2nd parent");
// --1st parent
// --==1st nested
// --==2nd nested
// --2nd parent

By setting the skipFirstLevelIndent option, the lines-builder won't indent the direct lines of the lines-builder, only starting from the nested ones:

const nested = lines(, "1st nested", "2nd nested");
const parent = lines({ skipFirstLevelIndent: true, indent: '--' }, "1st parent", nested, "2nd parent");
// 1st parent
// --1st nested
// --2nd nested
// 2nd parent

Default options

As seen above, options can be set per each lines-builder, but if you want to use one set of options, per each lines-builder you will use, you can use the setDefaultOptions.

import { lines, setDefaultOptions } from "lines-builder";

setDefaultOptions({ indent: "__" });

const nested = lines("1st nested", "2nd nested");
const parent = lines("1st parent", nested, "2nd parent");
// __1st parent
// ____1st nested
// ____2nd nested
// __2nd parent

Note that the default options can be reset to the initial ones with the resetDefaultOptions.


To output/format the lines, the lines-builder will determine the appropriate EOL based on the platform used ( \r\n for Windows, \n for other OS). If you need to set explicitly what EOL to use, pass it in any options:

// IBM Mainframe EOL
const l = lines({ eol: "\025" }, "Hello", "World");
// Hello\025World


For detailed documentation see the TypeDocs documentation.

This package uses debug for logging, use lines-builder to see debug logs:

DEBUG=lines-builder node my-script.js