The lastest version of this document is available on Github > linq-to-objects
Implements linq for javascript
npm install linq-to-objects --save
yarn add linq-to-objects --save
References in NodeJs
References in browser after install
<script src="./node_modules/linq-to-objects/distrib/linq-to-objects.min.js"></script>
For IE only (>=10), you need to add this polyfill script
<script src=""></script>
References in browser without install
<script src=""></script>
Table Of Contents
Note See the complete documentation on Github > linq-to-objects
Array Extension
- add
- addRange
- aggregate
- all
- any
- average
- clear
- concat
- count
- distinct
- equals
- first
- firstOrDefault
- insertAt
- insertRangeAt
- getRange
- groupBy
- innerJoin
- intersect
- last
- lastOrDefault
- min
- max
- orderBy
- orderByDescending
- removeAll
- removeAt
- removeRange
- reverse
- selectNew
- skip
- skipWhile
- sum
- takeWhile
- union
- whileIndex
- where