
Browserify transform to abort bundling silly source files.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lintify from '';


lintify npm version

Browserify transform to abort bundling silly source files.


$ npm install lintify

Lintify, What is it Good For?


  1. someone creates CI job
  2. someone configures Checkstyle plugin for CI job
  3. someone configures ESLint to create Checkstyle format report
  4. developer saves silly source file
  5. developer commits silly source file to VCS
  6. developer pushes VCS commit to remote
  7. remote pushes notification to CI server
  8. CI server pulls in VCS changes
  9. CI server builds browserify bundle
  10. CI server passes bundle to ESLint
  11. ESLint generates Checkstyle report
  12. CI server aborts build
  13. CI server sends email to developer
  14. developer fixes issues
  15. developer commits potentially still silly source file to VCS
  16. back to step 6


  1. developer saves silly source file
  2. building browserify bundle is aborted
  3. developer fixes issues

Wait! Couldn't developer run ESLint herself?

That's what I used to think! It turns out, however, that the answer to that question is no.


    errors: {
        head: function (file) {
            // log source file name
        each: function (position, reason) {
            // log every error position in source file and reason
        tail: function () {
            // log aborted bundle name
        message: 'OH NOES LINT ERRORS EMITTED!!1!'
