Lets you manage all the media queries you need
- It allows you to manage all the media queries you need in an easy and practical way.
How to use the component?
- Import the component where you need to occupy it.
import 'lit-element-media-query/lit-element-media-query.js';
- then add lit-element-media-query to your component's render function
breakpoints = '${this.breakPoints}'
@change-size = '${this._changeSize}'>
- In the constructor function initialize the breakpoints variable with all the measures you need:
this.breakPoints = JSON.stringify([
{"name": "xs", "query": "(min-width:320px)"},
{"name": "sm", "query": "(min-width:600px)"},
{"name": "md", "query": "(min-width:980px)"},
{"name": "lg", "query": "(min-width:1120px)"},
{"name": "xl", "query": "(min-width:1200px)"}
- Declare a function where you get the change-size event:
_changeSize(event) {
this.size = event.detail;
- Finally add the variable that receives the event detail to the element you want to make responsive
render() {
return html `
<div class="${this.size}"></div>