Live Filter
Turns a form in to a live updating filter with routing
npm install livefilter
<form action="my-route.html" class="my-form">
<label for="cars">Volvo</label>
<input name="cars" id="cars" value="volvo" />
<label for="cars">SAAB</label>
<input name="cars" id="cars" value="saab" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" style="display: none;"/>
var LiveFilter = require('livefilter');
var form = document.querySelector('.my-form');
new LiveFilter(form, {
beforeFetch: function() {
// Do stuff right before the fetch has responded
afterFetch: function(data) {
// Do stuff with fetched data.
onUpdateUrl: function() {
// Do stuff when url is updated but before data is fetched.
// An object where keys are the event to listen for and value is either a string representing a query selector
// or an object with mandatory property selector (query selector) and optional debounce set to true for
// debouncing incoming events such as keyup.
triggers: {
change: 'input[type="radio"]',
keyup: {
selector: 'input[type="search"]',
debounce: true
// A list of selectors or DOM elements that should be notified with event when a fetch is finished.
// Event to contains property data which holds the json response from the server.
// Event is called 'livefilterfetched'
subscribers: [],
// By default we prevent form from being submitted. Set to false to skip.
preventSubmit: true