
Loads and merge json data to a JavaScript object from your local directory e.g. data/. For the final data, file name transformed to camelCase variable in json. It supports directory nesting.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loadData from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/load-data';


Load Data

Loads and merge json data to a JavaScript object from your local directory e.g. data/. For the final data, file name transformed to camelCase variable in json. It supports directory nesting.


In your module or Gulp|Gruntfile:

// your json files are in data/
var data = require('load-data')();

// from another directory
var data2 = require('load-data')('path-to-directory');

// you can use your data as 
// console.log(data['filename']);


You can pass in an object of options while calling the function.

dir: 'data/',
cache: false,
ext: 'json'
// loading data with custom options
var options = {
    dir: './my-source/',
    cache: true

var data = require('load-data')(options);


The directory where you local data files (json) stored.


Default: false If set to false, every time data loaded, uses the most recent values in the json file. Otherwise, require method caches the loaded files so, the changes are not loaded after first run.


Loads files with json extension.