
Load a submodule, plugin, or file

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loadPlugin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/load-plugin';



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Load a submodule, plugin, or file. Like Node’s require and require.resolve, but from one or more places, and optionally global too.


This package is ESM only: Node 12+ is needed to use it and it must be imported instead of required.


npm install load-plugin


Say we’re in this project (with dependencies installed):

import {loadPlugin, resolvePlugin} from 'load-plugin'


async function main() {
  await resolvePlugin('lint', {prefix: 'remark'})
  // => '/Users/tilde/projects/oss/load-plugin/node_modules/remark-lint/index.js'

  await resolvePlugin('@babel/function-name', {prefix: 'helper'})
  // => '/Users/tilde/projects/oss/load-plugin/node_modules/@babel/helper-function-name/lib/index.js'

  await resolvePlugin('./index.js', {prefix: 'remark'})
  // => '/Users/tilde/projects/oss/load-plugin/index.js'

  await loadPlugin('lint', {prefix: 'remark'})
  // => [Function: lint]


This package exports the following identifiers: loadPlugin, resolvePlugin. There is no default export.

loadPlugin(name[, options])

Uses Node’s resolution algorithm (through import-meta-resolve) to load CJS and ESM packages and files to import name in each given cwd (and optionally the global node_modules directory).

If a prefix is given and name is not a path, $prefix-$name is also searched (preferring these over non-prefixed modules). If name starts with a scope (@scope/name), the prefix is applied after it: @scope/$prefix-name.


Prefix to search for (string, optional).


Place or places to search from (string, Array.<string>, default: process.cwd()).


Whether to look for name in global places (boolean, optional, defaults to whether global is detected). If this is nullish, load-plugin will detect if it’s currently running in global mode: either because it’s in Electron, or because a globally installed package is running it.

Note: Electron runs its own version of Node instead of your system Node. That means global packages cannot be found, unless you’ve set-up a prefix in your .npmrc or are using nvm to manage your system node.


Identifier to take from the exports (string or false, default: 'default'). For example when given 'whatever', the value of export const whatever = 1 will be returned, when given 'default', the value of export default … is used, and when false the whole module object is returned.


Promise.<unknown> — Promise yielding the results of requireing the first path that exists. The promise rejects if requireing an existing path fails, or if no existing path exists.

resolvePlugin(name[, options])

Search for name. Accepts the same parameters as loadPlugin (except key) but returns a promise resolving to an absolute path for name instead of importing it. Throws if name cannot be found.


MIT © Titus Wormer