
a tool that generates badges locally from a customizable configuration file

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import localBadges from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/local-badges';


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A tool that generates badges locally from a customizable configuration file.

Table Of Contents

How it works

local-badges is intended to be used as a CLI tool. Local-badges takes a javascript module which should be an object with a list of badges. it loops through your list of badges and generates a badge object according to your specifications. Then it uses the gh-badges package to generate the badge svg, and saves the badge according to the name, and folder properties in your badge object.


module.exports = {
  badges: [
      name: 'my-badge', // required
      folder: './badges', // optional, defaults to current working directory
      colorA: 'yellow', // optional, defaults to gray
      colorB: 'red', // optional, defaults to lightgray
      template: 'plastic', // optional, defaults to flat
      text: ['boring', 'badge'], // optional, defaults to ['boring', 'badge']

The above example will create a badge named my-badge.svg in a new folder called badges. It will look like this:


The only argument local-badges looks for is --config which tells it where to find your badge configuration file (by default it looks for badgeConfig.js in your current working directory), but any arguments you add to the local-badges command will be accessable via the cliObj that is passed to your badge functions. An example of this can be seen in the build-status badge in the example module.

Getting started

You can either download the npm package

npm install -g local-badges

or you can clone the repository and do a symbolic link

git clone https://github.com/nikita-skobov/local-badges.git
cd local-badges
npm install --production
# use the --production flag to avoid installing devDependencies
# such as my eslint configuration, and jest.
# with --production it only installs 67 packages
# but without --production it installs 615 packages
npm link
# if you ever want to remove the symbolic link, just do
# npm unlink while inside the local-badges directory

Now you can use local-badges in your command line from any directory. Let's look at an example:


The example command:

local-badges --config ./testFolder/testConfig.js --successFlag

The configuration file:

// testFolder/testConfig.js
module.exports = {
  badges: [
      // this badge will be made the same every time
      // because it uses static properties
      name: 'boring-badge',
      folder: './',
      colorA: '#aaa',
      colorB: '#bbb',
      text: ['boring', 'badge'],
      // this badge will be different depending on whether or not
      // you pass in a --successFlag option when running local-badges
      name: 'build-status',
      fn: (cliObj) => {
        const colorB = cliObj.successFlag ? 'green' : 'red'
        const passOrFail = cliObj.successFlag ? 'passing' : 'failing'
        const text = ['build', passOrFail]
        return {
          colorA: 'gray',

  // all badges will have the colorA property be purple unless the individual
  // badge object overrides the colorA property either as a static property
  // eg: boring-badge
  // or if the fn function returns a different colorA property
  // eg: build-status
  defaults: {
    colorA: 'purple',
    folder: './badges',

Running this command from the root of this repository will create 2 badges. The first badge will be named boring-badge.svg and it will be placed in your current working directory, as specified by the folder property in the configuration object:

  folder: './'

The second badge will be named build-status.svg, and this badge will be placed in a folder called badges because this badge object does not contain a folder property, therefore local-badges uses the defaults that are specified above. The build-status badge has an extra property in the badge object called fn. fn is a function that takes a cli object that contains all the arguments passed in to local-badges. You can customize your badge configuration to depend on any argument you want other than --config because local-badges uses --config to find your configuration file.

Global defaults (as found in lib/constants/defaults.js):

  • format: 'svg'
  • folder: './'
  • colorA: 'gray'
  • colorB: 'lightgray'
  • template: 'flat'
  • text: ['boring', 'badge']

Configuration file options

module.exports = {
  defaults: {
  // defaults: Object, optional. if no 'defaults' property is present
  // local-badges will use the global defaults
  // any defaults you specify here will override the global defaults.

  badges: [
  // badges: Array, required. Must contain at least one object

valid defaults properties:

format: (the output file format)

  • optional
  • string
  • can only be 'svg' for now

colorA: (the color for the left side of the badge)

  • optional
  • string
  • can be any 3 or 6 character hex code (with or without a #)
  • can also be any valid color word

colorB: (the color for the right side of the badge)

  • optional
  • string
  • can be any 3 or 6 character hex code (with or without a #)
  • can also be any valid color word

template: (the badge appearance)

text: (the text on the badge)

  • optional
  • array
  • must have 2 elements
  • both element must be strings
  • if you want a badge that is a single color, you can make the first element be an empty string.

folder: (the output folder of the badges)

  • optional
  • string
  • defaults to current working directory

valid badge object properties:

All of the properties from the defaults object above can also be included in your badge object(s) to override the defaults specifically for that badge. In addition to the default properties, the badge object also takes the following properties:

name: (the name of the file to be output)

  • required
  • string
  • the format extension will be appended automatically

fn: (a function that gets invoked by the badgeRunner that lets you customize your badge dynamically via the inputs from the command line)

  • optional
  • function
  • takes one parameter: the cli object containing all command line arguments
  • must return an object
  • any properties in the returned object will override your badge configuration specifically for this badge.


  • flat
    • Build Status
  • popout
    • Build Status
  • default
    • Build Status
  • plastic
    • Build Status
  • popout-square
    • Build Status
  • flat-square
    • Build Status
  • for-the-badge
    • Build Status
  • social
    • Build Status

The configuration file used to generate these template examples can be found in testFolder/templateExamples.js


In addition to using any 3 or 6 character hex code, you can use these color words which map to a hex code for you:

brightgreen: '#4c1',
green: '#97ca00',
yellow: '#dfb317',
yellowgreen: '#a4a61d',
orange: '#fe7d37',
red: '#e05d44',
blue: '#007ec6',
grey: '#555',
gray: '#555',
lightgrey: '#9f9f9f',
lightgray: '#9f9f9f',
critical: '#e05d44',
important: '#fe7d37',
success: '#4c1',
informational: '#007ec6',
inactive: '#9f9f9f',

These are the most common colors used in badges. If you want to use different color words, see the colorWords.js file for a full list.

Available badges

local-badges is just a tool that generates badges from a configuration file. It does not come with any specific badge configurations. You can either make your own, or you can find some in the list of available badges

If you would like to add your custom badge configuration to that list, please follow the directions in the contribution guidelines and I will be more than happy to add your badge to the list.