
A module to easily manage data in local storage.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import localStorageManager from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/local-storage-manager';


Local Storage Manager

A simple package used for creating, storing and deleting data from local storage.

Current features:

  • Enter key and data into local storage
  • Get the data for a given key
  • Remove all data for a given key


npm install local-storage-manager --save


var localStorageManager = require('local-storage-manager')

// Creating a key and entering a string into local storage

localStorageManager.set('string1', 'data');

// Creating a key and entering an array into local storage


// Creating a key and entering an object into local storage

                one: 'two',
                two: 'three',
                three: 'four'

// Getting data bound to a key


    returns: 'data'

// Removing a key and all data bound to it


// Example usage

var data = localStorageManager.get('string1');
if (data === 'data') {
    return true;

Using the transform to storage function.

In some cases, strings may not be able to be put into local storage as is. For example, a string such as '23/53453458124234' will return the error "Unexpected token /" because this interrupts the stringify function.

To get around this, the transformToStorage function can replace the slash with a suitable word or phrase. Likewise, the transformFromStorage function can remove the word we introduced.

// Use the localStorageManager.set function as you normally would, but use transform 
// as the second argument

var keyName = 'stringWithToken';
var value = '23/53453458124234';

//Arguments: string to search, characters to find in string, characters to replace found string with.
var transformedValue = transformToStorage(value, '/', 'replaceTheSlash');

localStorageManager.set(keyName, transformedValue);

    -- '23replaceTheSlash53453458124234'
// To transform it back to normal, do the opposite function

var value2 = localStorageManager.get(keyName);
var transformedValue2 = transformFromStorage(value2, 'replaceTheSlash', '/');

    -- '23/53453458124234'

If keys in your local storage are undefined it may result in a crash. The setIfEmpty function eliminates this issue by checking if keys are undefined, and setting a default value if they are. See below for usage.

// define your default values in the format of localStorageKeyName: defaultValue
var defaultValues = {
    string: '',
    array: [],
    object: {


// pass your object of default values into the function

Running the Tests

To run the test included in this package, open the test.html and open the developer console.

Note that if the environment does not have local storage, the functions will not run.


For changelog, view changelog markdown

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