alt text"> ( LocalStorageRepo )
A repo generator that uses only on key of the sessionStorage to store all data in a unique Array. is write in pure ES5 and implements a comple generic CRUD.
To have a generic repo (CRUD) generator linked to one key of the LocalStorage for use it as a lightweitgt persistence system directly in the browser.
you can use for ...
some examples Store all data you need indexed and easly accesible as you can do with a "repo" as in a imaginary animal clinic.
petsRepo = new LocalStorageRepo("pets" , "name");
productRepo = new LocalStorageRepo("products", "idProduct");
petsRepo.create({name:"kytybity", specie: "cat", clinicalData:"have a large tail"});
petsRepo.create({name:"rufo", specie: "dog", clinicalData:"Wooof"});
console.log ( petsRepo.findOneById("kytybity") )
petsRepo.update({name:"kytybity", specie: "cat", clinicalData:"have no tail, we cut it"});
petsRepo.findBy("specie" , "cat");//find all cats only , no dogs.
but you can do some other stuff , like ... store functions as text indexed by name and rerun later ;) dont know why someone want to do this :P
functions = new LocalStorageRepo("functions", "name")
functions.update({name:"somefunc", text: sumefunc.toString()})
or if you want avoid "eval" you can do like this too ( is a bit more hkr ... XD)
var getFooFromStorageLoL = new Function( "return " + (new LocalStorageRepo("functions", "name")).findOneById("foo").text )
var foo = getFooFromStorageLoL();
//now you can use your foo as allways...
save an Oajax response.... and all that you wants , if it can be stored in a nutshell of course ^^
include as script for prod
include as script for devel
or copypaste in console
functional load test create 1001 elements , delete 500 update 500
function testInBrowser() {
var repo = (new LocalStorageRepo("logs", "id"));
for (var i = 1000; i >= 0; i--) {//CREATE 1001 elements
repo.create({id:i,data1:i, data2:i});//only requires the id
for (var i = 499; i >= 0; i--) {//DELETE 500
repo.del(i) //uses the "id" as id
for (var metaId = 500; metaId <= 1000; metaId++) {//UPDATE 500
repo.update({id:1, data1: i + "updated", newfields:"more data"});
Unitary test with jest
npm install
npm test
The max quote , is the max quote of a key -> value in the DataStorage in your navigator .