
A combination of fs-write-stream-atomic and node-proper-lockfile to ensure that no more than one (atomic) write stream can be used at a time for a certain file.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lockedAtomicWs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/locked-atomic-ws';



A combination of fs-write-stream-atomic and node-proper-lockfile to ensure that no more than one (atomic) write stream can be used at a time for a certain file. Since atomically streaming to a file requires a temporary file (&& fs.rename afterwords), aquiring a lock means preventing work in vain.


var fs = require('fs');
var getWriteStream = require('../');

getWriteStream(__dirname + '/out.txt', function(err, isLocked, ws) {
  if (err) { throw err; }

  if (isLocked) {
    return console.error('please try again later');

  // once we get here we are sure that nobody else (using this module)
  // is trying to write to the same file
  // also, the write-stream will be atomic (see https://github.com/npm/fs-write-stream-atomic/)

  ws.on('error', die);
  ws.on('close', function() {
    console.log('all done');

  var rs = fs.createReadStream(__filename);

    .on('error', die)

function die(err) {
  throw err;


Alpha, read the source code for more info on how this works. Needs tests.
