
Extend Lodash to allow all objects in an array of objects to be extended i.e. to have new properties added or existing properties updated.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lodashExtendall from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/lodash-extendall';


Lodash extendall

Build Status Known Vulnerabilities NPM version

Extend Lodash to allow all objects in an array of objects to be extended i.e. to have new properties added or existing properties updated based on input object properties. Returns a new array with the original array left unchanged.
Does minimal checking of inputs; assumes the array is an array of objects.

_.extendAll(arr, obj)

arr (array): The array of objects to be extended. Required.
obj (object): The object to be used to extend each object in the array. Where a property in this object doesn't exist in the array object it will be added. Where it does exist it will be replaced.

(array): An new array of extended objects.


var _ = require('lodash')

_.extendAll([{a:1, b:2},{a:3, b:4}], {x:'new1', y:'new2'}) // [{a:1, b:2, x:'new1', y:'new2'},{a:3, b:4, x:'new1', y:'new2'}]
_.extendAll([{a:1, b:2},{a:3, b:4}], {a:999, x:'new1'}) // [{a:999, b:2, x:'new1'},{a:999, b:4, x:'new1'}]
_.extendAll([{a:1, b:2},{a:3, b:4}], {}}) // [{a:1, b:2},{a:3, b:4}]
_.extendAll([{a:1, b:2},{a:3, b:4}], ['abc']) // [{a:1, b:2},{a:3, b:4}]
_.extendAll([]], {a:false, x:false}) // []
_.extendAll([{a:1, b:2},{a:3}], {b:false}) // [{a:1, b:false},{a:3, b:false}]

Version History

Version Release Date Details
1.0.2 27th February, 2018 Update the Version History. No functionality changes.
1.0.1 27th February, 2018 Fix layout issues with Examples in the README. No functionality changes.
1.0.0 26th February, 2018 Initial release.