keep the darkside away: practical functional mixins for lodash/fp to make code more readable, maintainable & composable
Warning: Experimental
- functional programming in javascript has 2 categories: the good stuff..and there's the other stuff :)
(=reversed compose) &_.trigger
saves us from writing lots of functions & if/else statements- mixing functions & promises should be hasslefree
So..what could code look like with this library?
engine = {}
engine.getOrCreateUser = _.flow(
_.trigger( console.dir ),
_.either( engine.getUser, engine.createUser ),
_.trigger( 'address.verified', (v) => console.log("verified:"+v) ),
_.trigger( _.set('meta.lastlogin', ) ),
_.when( _.get('id'), (dbUser) => console.log("loaded user:" ),
_.when( _.getno('id') ), () => throw 'could not load user' )
.catch( console.error )
.then( (user) => console.dir(user) )
Instead of:
engine = {}
engine.getOrCreateUser = function(user){
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
.then( (dbUser) => {
if( !dbUser ) return engine.createUser(user)
else return dbUser
.then( (dbUser) => {
if( dbUser ){
if( dbUser.address && dbUser.address.verified ) console.log("verified:"+v)
console.log("user ok")
if( !dbUser.meta ) dbUser.meta = {}
dbUser.lastlogin =
if( ) console.log("loaded user: "
else throw 'could not load user'
.catch( console.error )
.then( (user) => console.dir(user) )
Function Reference
_.flow( mixed_arguments_of_promises_and_functions, ... )
Improved version of _.flow, which also supports automatic resolving of promises. Note: modifies output.
example: a = _.flow( new Promise(.....), _.trigger(alert), Object.keys ) a({foo:1, bar:2})
input:{foo:1,bar:2} ---> promise --+--> Object.keys(input) )
+--> alert(input)
trigger simply executes a function OR promise, but forwards original input as output. this comes in handy when you don't want to break a flow/chain
example:_.flow( _.trigger( alert ), _.trigger(console.dir) )({foo:"bar"})
_.either(a, b)
this will execute function b only when function a returns false/null/undefined
example: _.either(getUserByEmail,createUserEmail)("")
this is the opposite of _.get
example: var a = _.getno( '' ) a({foo:1}) // returns true
this will execute function fn only when there's input. this comes in handy when its unsure whether the previous function was succesful in a chain/flow/composed function.(){}
example: .flow( getOrCreateUser, maybe(.log("user ok")) )
_.when(f, g)
hipster if statement, only execute function g when function f does not return null/false/undefined
example: _.when( _.isString, console.log )("foo")
_.lensOver(path, fn)
lens over allows i/o for a nested property
example: var updateBar = _.flow( -> 123, _.log ) _.lensOver( "", updateBar )({foo:{bar:0}}) // sets '' to 123 (and prints in console)
simple es6 templates for in the browser
example: _.template_es6('${foo}', {foo:"bar"}) // outputs 'bar'
_.prefix(prefix, fn)
simple way to prefix a function which outputs a string
example: _.error = _.prefix("error: ", _.log)
_.postfix(postfix, fn)
simple way to postfix a function which outputs a string
example: _.flow( _.get('.length'), _.prefix("items", _.log) )([1, 2, 3])
simple log function (which forwards input to output)
example: _.flow( doFoo, _log, doBar )({input:"foo"})
simple error function (which forwards input to output)
example: _.when( !hasFoo, _.prefix("something went wrong:", _error ) )({input:"foo"})
_.mapAsync(arr, done, cb)
calls cb(data, next) for each element in arr, and continues loop based on next()-calls (last element propagates done()). Perfect to iterate over an array synchronously, while performing async operations inbetween the elements.
example:_.mapAsync([1, 2, 3], alert, (data, next) => next() )